Mayor Corroon has no Compassion of Medical Marijuana Patients

Jacob Bell

New Member
The current Major of Salt Lake County, Peter Corroon was asked several times for his personal opinion regarding medical marijuana. Surprisingly, he did responsd today. That response, however was short, typical and expected. "This would be a state issue. Based on my knowledge of our legislature, I do not see them passing a bill allowing medicinal cannabis anytime soon. " No mention of compassion or consideration of the citizens of Utah. Rather, Mayor Corroon is more concerned about what the Utah Legislator will say.

The entire Senate and House were queried in 2010 by Legalize Utah and surprisingly, there was some support for the medical cannabis movement. Utah Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck supports medical marijuana and stated:

"I appreciate your concern and interest in the issue pertaining to the legalization of marijuana. I concur with you that the current legislation we have in place regarding marijuana has been highly ineffective and is costing our taxpayers money".

"One of the largest problems with any marijuana legislation is the inability to scientifically show when the drug was used and how much was used. The inability to provide exact measurements makes it nearly impossible to enact any sort of Driving Under the Influence restrictions".

"The only solution to this problem is to impose a blanket 'No Tolerance' policy, which in the past have been proved to be ineffective and often harmful to due process. These sort of restrictions would be unfair to marijuana users considering the current laws in place surrounding alcohol. I do support any research and investigation into this area and would very much so like to see progress made.

She went on to say "In addition to those concerns, I also support the use of medical marijuana and definitely can see the benefits associated with its uses. Cancer patients lives are improved drastically by its use, and improving the quality of life for the sick is one of the chief responsibilities for the medical profession".

"If the legalization of marijuana helps to further this goal, then I will support it in medical contexts. However, once again issues arise with granting access to a life-improving drug to only certain groups of people, and the medical profession would be charged with making the decision of whom is eligible. An almost insurmountable and expensive task".

"As you can see this issue is extremely complex, and we as legislators are tasked with attempting to represent the people with their best interests in mind. I do believe that in this instance the greater good would be served, but until there are more effective methods and clear cut lines on the issue we will be bogged down in procedure and semantics indefinitely".

She added "I will certainly express your view to my colleagues in the House of Representatives, and urge them to investigate themselves into the evidence you have presented. I personally would like to thank your for your diligence and civic responsibility. By engaged and active citizens we are able to strengthen our democracy until every voice is heard".

Clearly there is support in the Utah Legislature and while it may require more effort and education, Through voter education and the election of the correct representatives, Legalize Utah looks forward to continuing the battle towards the legalization of medicinal cannabis in Utah and beyond.

It's shameful Mayor Corroon could not be bothered with such a detailed question as Utah Representative Rebecca Chavez-Houck and Legalize Utah will work diligently to see he is not re-elected.


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Website: Mayor Corroon has no compassion of medical marijuana patients
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