Medical Marijuana Falls Short In Illinois And New York, But The Fight Is Not Over


New Member
Yesterday, we sent out an urgent alert asking Just Say Now activists to write their state representatives in support of medical marijuana bills in Illinois and New York.

In New York, S. 8427 would have legalized possession of medical marijuana to prescribed patients, but failed to come up for a vote in the state senate. S. 8427 could be brought up for a vote in the next two weeks.

The Illinois House of Representatives voted on SB. 1381 — a bill that would have legalized medical marijuana in addition to creating state-licensed ‘Compassion Centers’ for card-carrying patients. Unfortunately, while SB. 1381 was believed to have at least 56 supporting votes, only 53 representatives voted ‘yes’ — 7 votes short of a majority. According to the bill’s sponsor, SB. 1381 will be getting a second chance when the IL House reconvenes in January under ‘postponed consideration.’

It’s important to note that Just Say Now activists wrote over 1,200 letters to representatives in New York and Illinois in support of these measures in just a few, short hours. That’s a remarkable show of support, and Just Say Now will continue to pressure lawmakers to make a compassionate choice for patients.

If you live in New York write a letter to your state senators in support of medical marijuana.

If you live in Illinois write a letter to your state representatives in support of medical marijuana.

NewsHawk: MedicalNeed: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Brian Sonenstein
Contact: Just Say Now: Legalize marijuana
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