Medical Marijuana: Valid Response To Sickness Or Excuse To Smoke?


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Coloradans don’t use the expression “Rocky Mountain high” just because of the altitude. In fact, Colorado is one of the leading states for the decriminalization of marijuana in the United States.
While marijuana is still illegal statewide, many believe Colorado can help lead the nation to a sensible drug policy.

Recently, the issue of dispensaries for medical marijuana has been in the news a lot. Many people have been getting permits from their doctors in order to legally acquire marijuana to treat their chronic pain or other medical conditions. And recently there have been a multitude of dispensaries opening around the state.

Some people are upset by this, but it was all approved by Colorado voters back in 2000 when they approved an amendment to the state constitution which legalized medical marijuana. There are many good reasons why the majority of Colorado voters approved this.

As proven in multiple studies, marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.

No case of lung cancer resulting from marijuana use alone has ever been documented. Many people who suffer from chronic pain from terminal illnesses like cancer, or those who experience nausea from chemotherapy, have found marijuana to be an effective “medicine.”
Marijuana has been proved to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma because it can lower pressure on the eye. People suffering from illnesses or disorders ranging from manic depression to multiple sclerosis to autism have been able to experience relief.

There are several methods for administration of dosage, including vaporizing or smoking dried buds, drinking or eating extracts, and taking capsules.

Colorado’s medical marijuana business is blooming, more than 15,000 people are registered in Colorado to use medical marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation.

There are more than 300 dispensaries in the state and there are regulations on the amount of dispensaries in each city, but even the most conservative areas in the state are allowing them. Places such as Aspen and Colorado Springs are preparing to place ballot questions in front of voters in early 2010.

Colorado law enforcement is having a tough time on this issue because they are worried about the fact that many see it as “morally wrong” to smoke marijuana. So there would be issues with regulations to meet everyone’s needs, and it has been historically linked with narcotics, such as ******, but according to a 12 year study at the University of Pittsburg, marijuana was not linked with narcotics. In fact, studies have shown that tobacco use is a much more solid indicator of hard drug usage.

The issues with decriminalization of marijuana are not near as severe as other drugs and alcohol. According to multiple medical doctors, cannabis can replace 47 to 52 of the prescription and over-the-counter medicines that people are taking today, which would solve many overdose and addiction problems.

In addition to its medical benefits, decriminalization of marijuana would simplify the development of hemp as a valuable and diverse agricultural crop in the United States, including its development as a new bio-fuel to reduce carbon emissions, food, textiles and clothing, cosmetics, paper, cleaner, paint and building materials.

Replacing prohibition with a system of common-sense regulation could mean $14 billion per year in reduced government spending and new revenues.

Although there are negatives, we would benefit more from the positives than with most current legal drugs. So instead of trying to compete with nature, we should accept the gifts it has given us.

News Hawk: Warbux 420 Magazine - Cannabis Culture News & Reviews
Source: Arapahoe Herald
Contact: Untitled Page
Copyright: Arapahoe Herald
Website: Arapahoe Herald - Arapahoe High School - Medical marijuana: Valid response to sickness or excuse to smoke?: Pro: Marijuana can be used as harmless medical aid
Question: 1) Are more people going to smoke then that there are already ? 2) Why the hell can't the Gov. use common sense ??????:bigtoke:
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