
I never tried rice crispy treats when getting the munchies.... will do, will do. Satan but still my fav's gotta be cereal and vanilla coke. :D
a big cheese burger and/or pizza...ofcourse with pepsi on the side
Halloween and being high is not a good thing. I have been to the store twice because I ate all my halloweeen candy :(
What I love for the munchies usally is a Frito Burrito from Taco Bell, my moms chile with some fritos, fritos and bean dip, or a recipe of my own called the Peanut Butter and Frito Sandwich. Yeah I like Fritos alot, they are so good when your stoned. I also eat tortilla chips and salsa, peanuts, Co CO puffs, fried chicken, crispy tacos, french bread pizza, Double Stuff Oreos, chocolate chip cookies, cookie dough, Lays regular potato chips, sausage biscuits, Chex Mix, Lays Jalapeo Kettle Cooked chips, Cheetos, and chile dogs. Candy Bars are good too like Milky Way, Snickers, Reeses, Hershys cookies and cream and Crunch. Best thing to drink is any flavor Fanta(or any other fruit sodas ie: orange, grape, apple, strawberry, citrus,and pineapple) Lemonade, or Kool Aid. I used to always drink that Pepsi Blue stuff but I dont think they make it anymore. That sucks ass.
lemon propel fitness water stuff is awesome for munchies. Its like 20 calories a bottle haha
...chilly cheese-its,cheese puffs,BBQ fritos,slim jims,popcorn chicken..meat,or sumtin you can eat with your hands...for a drink...first if i got cotton mouth...i mean really bad...i always have V8 in my room and i take a shot of that....then i drink blue bubble gum soda...mmmmmmmmmmm
Ez Macccccc
Dude next time you're searchin for munchies try "The Poor Mans Cheese Cake" its just grahm crackers and creamcheese, preferably with some jelly of some sort, try it man its gooood! Perfect for those occasions when you've gotta get creative with no money.
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