Must cut in 2 weeks. Question.


New Member
Hey everybody, hope you're smokin' some good stuff tonight,

I looked at my calendar and I will be forced to chop my Satori plant in two weeks. That would make it 62 days of bloom. Mandala Seeds recommends 65-70. It's not a big deal, it's close enough but is there something I can do with the lights to accelerate the flowering cycle? Like maybe cut the cycle to 8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness?

Thanks for any reply.
rule of thumb if it looks done wait a week. then again a lot happens in the last 2 weeks, all the buds will just about double in size..
Not much you can do, the herb might be weak and under developed but at least you will harvest. Start giving them only water starting 2 weeks before you are going to chop them.
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