My crop was a flop.


New Member
Yep, I went back yesturday to check on my plants. They didn't survive. The underbrush must have grown up past them and smothered them. See, I started my plants in late Feb so they would be around two feet tall by the time the ground warmed up enough to plant them.

I was having problems with my roommate and rushed to get rid of them a little earlier then planned. I couldn't kill them so I took a walk one night and planted them where I knew it was out of view, would get sunlight, and had a nearby stream. I didn't go back there until yesturday. Although it seemed like the perfect place to grow, going down there without being seen is a little trickier.

So my four little babies have passed on. :(

::Sigh:: have to wait for next years crop.
Okay, this is why I picked the place. I knew the stream was there and that they were hidden by a 10 foot ditch and a curtain of trees. In the bottom, it's all knee length brush. I have been watching that place for about 4 years and no one goes down there. It's on city property so it's not like I'm planting on someone elses land.

The problem is, the spot is located on a pretty busy route. The problem with going down at night is that I can't see them. In the day, I have to go take a walk around the neighborhood and then when I find a dull moment, just disappear into the bushes. This has been the first chance I have actually gotten during the day to do it.

Here is a recipe for growin at home. Too many plants draw attention and take up too much space. You don't need more than one or two plants to provide all the smoke you could possibly need.
Ingredient List:
:A closet or other small space with a vent to the outside,(a chimney is best if you can locate it) and a locking door.
:A power strip.(extension cord with many plugins).
:4, four foot, fluorescent grow lights,(wide spectrum).
:A reflective covering for the walls,(I use heavy duty foil).
:1 hanging light fixture with a grow bulb.
:Humidifier, (small).
:Heater, (very small with thermostat).
:1 Oscilating fan, (six inch is more than enough, three inch will do).
:1 fixed fan that can be mounted on a wall or in a pipe for the exhaust. (if your space has an exhaust fan already all the better)
:A lazysusan, (for those who don't what that is, it's a small rotating tray for serving condiments on a table) an old turn table will work also.
:A growing container, you will have to decide what you need based on your own growing technique, hydroponic, soil, gravel, whatever. I use gravel and hydroponic together, it gives the plant's roots something stable to get ahold on, and whatever timers, pumps, nutrient tank you need.
:Timers for the fans and lights. (the fans remove toxins from the leaf surfaces for a healthy plant, motion for a strong stem, and get rid of the smell of the plant by venting outside (at night perferably), and you all know the importance of timing the light,(plants need a minimum of 9 hrs of darkness to produce THC).
How to do it?
Mount the exhaust fan to whatever means you have to get the air from the closet outside.
Cover the walls,and ceiling with the foil.
Place a four foot light in each corner of the closet, careful the foil conducts electricty.
Hang the 5th light from the ceiling on a chain so you can raise and lower it.
Place the power strip on the floor or hanging near the floor on the wall.
Set lazysusan on cinder blocks or something small not more 16 inches tall more or less.
install growing container and associated things to meet your needs for growing the plant/plants,(I found two or three plants will grow just fine in a single container, and if one turns male on you you can just cut it out).
Place heater and oscilating fan on opposite sides of the door. set temperature for 72F and humidifier for 35%
Set the timers where they are easy to adjust, plug in the lights and fans.
Plant your selected female/s in the growing medium. And watch your bud grow. You are 60 days from your first harvest. Do Not Kill the Plant to Harvest! By adjusting the light timer you can make your plant bloom, carefully clip the buds, then set the timer for growing again! My last plant lived happily for three years, gave me up to 2oz's a month, grew to to 7 feet tall and 2 feet across, and looked like a pillar of bud! The lazysusan made harvesting the buds easy, just turn the plant to pick the backside.
I built a drying box that dried the buds on screen trays, and vented the smell out a flexible dryer hose through the roof in another closet.
NEVER SHOW ANYONE YOUR PLANT EVER, surest way to get busted is to have word spread that you are growing your own smoke! Friends are great, but they smoke with other folks too, and they WILL talk about your plant!
If everyone grew their own smoke there would be no more smugglers getting busted, the laws will go unenforced for lack of "BIG" busts, and pot will become a common herb again.
Happy Tokin' Heads Big Blunt
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