New in St. Louis


New Member
Hey there. Moved back to my old hometown of St. Louis after a 13 year absence spent in KC. Been here for a few months. Stuck out in the burbs with the P's while I finish my Masters in Library Science. Love the "smoked tofu" mmm yummy. Nothing like getting toked and tucking in to a good book.
Golly, I wish I knew a local grower - you better believe I would support them.

Thanks for the warm invite.

I strongly believe in legalization and support it fully. Did you all know that a law was recently passed in Columbia Missouri that makes having an ounce or less of pot a non-criminal offense? A good friend of mine helped write that bill.

Did you know that in Alaska it is legal to have an ounce or less in your home? I'm moving there soon - not for that reason - but it sure is a nice bonus.

Totally out here, so sad. But I'll live. It will make it all that much nicer the next time I do have some. Must admit, it makes writing all those lengthy scholarly papers easier. Granted, I must proof-read them while straight because although my creativity and focus soar while skipping along the green fantastic - my spelling and grammar go kaplooey.

I know that being a librarian doesn't exactly fit into the image/culture of being a stoner, but you would be surprised - there are lots of us out there.

Want reference facts? Ask anytime - happy to look it up for ya.
my ex-girlfriend became a librarian and she was a huge smoker with tattoos and piercings, so no longer does the librarian sterotype include some nerdy quiet girl, which can be sexy as well. Anyway welcome and enjoy 420.
Peace P420
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