November's Marijuana Legalization Initiative: Imperfect, But Worthy Of Your Vote

At first glance, the November ballot initiative to legalize marijuana in California seems like a no-brainer. It will boost tax revenues. It will lighten the burden on our prison system and allow law enforcement to focus on more serious issues. It will move billions of dollars out of the hands of drug traffickers and into the legitimate economy, creating thousands of jobs. Overall, it will end the prohibition of a relatively harmless drug that has demonstrated medical benefits and is enjoyed by millions of recreational users.

But a closer look suggests the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act — or RCTC for short — is less than ideal. Even so, I think Californians should vote yes.

The drive to pass RCTC is being funded by Richard Lee, who operates a dispensary and a nursery in the Oakland area. Lee also runs Oaksterdam University, which offers instruction on topics such as cannabis horticulture and legal issues facing dispensary operators. At least one critic, activist Bruce Cain, calls Lee a "marijuana monopolist" and claims a chief goal of RCTC is to line Lee's pockets.

Indeed, Lee's empire already pulls in single-digit millions every year — though he says his personal share is only about $50,000 — and does seem well-positioned for growth if RCTC passes. Potential profits for Richard Lee don't concern me, though. It's the way the act goes about legalizing marijuana that leaves a few things to be desired.

The initiative does include some wonderful, long-overdue changes to existing law. If it passes, Californians over 21 will be allowed to grow their own marijuana and to keep what they grow on the premises where they grow it. RCTC would also legalize the possession of up to one ounce of pot outside of those premises. These moves would be major improvements over the current prohibition of non-medicinal growing and holding.

On the other hand, the initiative has some key weaknesses. For example, RCTC stumbles by deferring commercial pot policy to local governments instead of establishing a statewide plan for commercial sales. NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, touches on this weakness in its endorsement of the initiative.

"The immediate effect of the passage of this measure would be to protect the individual from arrest if he/she possesses or grows a small quantity of marijuana in the privacy of their own home," NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said in a press release. Longer term, RCTC "will provide local governments with the option to regulate and tax the retail distribution of marijuana to adults in a manner similar to the way society controls alcohol."

Let me reiterate that: the initiative on the November ballot will make it legal to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana, but would not create a framework to buy, sell, and tax marijuana throughout California. Instead, the initiative would give cities and counties the option to create such a framework on their own.

This local-option approach might be okay with Richard Lee up in Oakland, a city so pot-positive it allows medical marijuana patients to fly out of Oakland International with weed on their person. But what about towns run by conservatives, like San Diego? It seems unlikely that our county's board of supervisors, for example, would take a sensible and fair approach to marijuana when the board doesn't even take a sensible and fair approach to issuing food stamps . In fact, in late June, the board began zoning medicinal marijuana dispensaries practically out of existence in the county, even though California voters legalized medical cannabis 14 years ago.

That's why I prefer a statewide pot policy like the one in HR 2254, the Marijuana Control, Regulation and Education Act, a bill from Democratic state assemblyman Tom Ammiano of San Francisco. As reports, "Ammiano's bill would impose a $50-per-ounce state levy on pot made available for sale. It also would license private marijuana cultivators and wholesalers and give the state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control authority over a legal retail marijuana industry."

But 2254 is a tough sell in Sacramento, where a majority of our legislators lack the spines to enact legalization themselves. As RCTC gathered momentum in early 2010, Ammiano delayed hearings on 2254 until this fall, apparently hoping the push for the initiative could help his fellow legislators see the light. "We want to see how the legislation can get out in front of the initiative and at the same time be complementary," Ammiano said. "The initiative does call for more of a patchwork than a uniform state policy, but there may be a way to try to blend those two."

HR 2254, with its statewide approach, seems like the superior path to legalization. Ammiano's bill even exempts medical marijuana from taxation, which RCTC does not. Long-time legalization advocates like Ed Rosenthal, aka the Guru of Ganja, and Dennis Peron, whose activism helped Proposition 215 become law in 1996, point out that no other prescription drugs are taxed – so why would it be acceptable to tax medicinal marijuana?

RCTC also does nothing for Californians who are serving time for marijuana-related offenses. Donna Lambert is a San Diego medical marijuana patient and former dispensary operator who was charged with seven felonies by county district attorney Bonnie Dumanis. Though Dumanis's office retreated after juries acquitted two other dispensary defendants, offering a plea deal that traded the seven felonies for one misdemeanor, Lambert remains concerned about others who weren't so fortunate.

"I am deeply disappointed that this act does nothing to release the thousands of marijuana prisoners, but in fact actually creates several new levels of punishable crimes," Lambert said in an email. Lambert says she'll probably vote for RCTC but hopes that it will be followed by more comprehensive reform.

Under RCTC, anyone who furnishes marijuana to a person aged 18 to 20 could face upt to $1,000 in fines and up to 6 months in jail. A knowledgeable local source told me that about 75% of San Diego's registered medicinal users are between the ages of 18 and 25, so it seems fair to assume demand is strong among that age group. And since college-age people don't tend to demand their friends show ID, it's not hard to imagine a scenario where a 22-year-old shares marijuana with a 20-year-old and ends up in trouble with the law. With this in mind, I think it would make more sense for RCTC to extend legalization to people aged 18 and over, not just 21 and over.

HR 2254 also allows adults to grow up to 6 marijuana plants at a time, while RCTC places a 25-square-foot limit on personal growing space. I've never tried to grow tomatoes, let alone marijuana, so I'm not sure which limit makes more sense. But the "Prince of Pot," Marc Emery — a Canadian who was recently extradited to Seattle and currently faces several years in US federal prison for selling seeds to Americans over the Internet — has said that 25 square feet would be more than enough. In a Cannabis Culture magazine article, Emery crunches the "industry standard" horticulture numbers and concludes that "ANY competent grower can achieve 16 to 40 ounces every 10 weeks in their space, a generous personal or medical amount by any standard."

Emery calculates that a 25-square-foot indoor growing area could yield up to 5 pounds of marijuana a year at a total cost of about $1,000, or somewhere around $12.50 an ounce. Currently, high-grade marijuana's selling price at California dispensaries typically equals its street price of about $300 to $400 per ounce. These numbers suggest that current prices include massive profit margins, which I couldn't help but think of as I left a Banker's Hill dispensary after a recent visit — just as the man who runs the place was pulling up in a brand new Lexus.

In any case, my thumbs are anything but green and are far more comfortable pressing the spacebar than working the soil. So if RCTC passes and I find myself looking to consume some marijuana, I'll likely be buying it from somebody. Accordingly, I'm a bit perplexed by RCTC's deferral to local jurisdictions, which could preserve black markets in areas like San Diego and force legal consumers like me to spend my money in more with-it jurisdictions.

But assuming HR 2254 and its statewide sales plan is out of reach, RCTC strikes me as a weaker but still dramatic improvement in marijuana policy that Californians should support. By voting yes on the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act, we will lead the nation forward in an area where the federal government appears incapable of moving beyond the asinine status quo, even with Democrats in firm control of the executive and legislative branches.

In March 2009, for example, President Obama held a town hall-type meeting in which he invited Americans to submit questions online and vote for their favorites. More than 3 million people voted on more than 13,000 questions, and in three separate categories — budget, health care reform, and green jobs — questions about legalizing marijuana got the most votes.

"I don't know what this says about the online audience," Obama said with a forced laugh that instantly marginalized the legalization movement. "The answer is, no, I don't think that is a good strategy to grow our economy."

After the event, a reporter complained about Obama's response to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs.

"But, Robert, he didn't take on the serious issue," the reporter said. "He made a joke out of it. I mean, there were a lot of questions about legalization of marijuana, not as a job creation program, but just as a serious policy issue. And with what's happening in Mexico —"

"The president opposes the legalization of marijuana," Gibbs responded, providing another example of how Obama's progressivism tends to be limited to the pages of his autobiographies. But the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act, despite its shortcomings, would be a big step forward for marijuana policy in California — and that gives me hope.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: OB Rag
Author: Shane Finneran
Contact: OB Rag
Copyright: 2010 OB Rag
Website: November's marijuana legalization initiative: imperfect, but worthy of your vote

* Thanks to Herb Zen for submitting this article
The drive to pass RCTC is being funded by Richard Lee, who operates a dispensary and a nursery in the Oakland area. Lee also runs Oaksterdam University, which offers instruction on topics such as cannabis horticulture and legal issues facing dispensary operators. At least one critic, activist Bruce Cain, calls Lee a "marijuana monopolist" and claims a chief goal of RCTC is to line Lee's pockets.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: OB Rag
Author: Shane Finneran
Contact: OB Rag
Copyright: 2010 OB Rag
Website: November's marijuana legalization initiative: imperfect, but worthy of your vote

* Thanks to Herb Zen for submitting this article

This is why I will vote no and the fact that the youth will still be incarcerated.
Of course the guy that runs Oaksterdam stands to make money from the legalization of cannabis. If you wish to blame someone for that, why not blame the willfully-ignorant people who will be paying him for knowledge that they can get for free by surfing the Internet. I don't agree with the whole premise of profiting from educating others, but it is what it is. And enlightened self-interest is not necessarily a bad thing when the person's interests happen to coincide with the interests of the citizenry as a whole.

The residents of the state also stand to profit from the additional tax dollars. As do seedbanks, breeders, a large majority of people that work in California's tourism industry, members of California's various law-enforcement agencies (one less illegal thing for them to have to deal with) and the people that they serve (due to freeing the manpower for other things), hydroponics/indoor gardening stores, et cetera.

As for voting against the initiative because of your misconceptions about California's youth... Many years ago now there was a decision to drop the minimum driving age. I did not side against it on the basis that six-year olds (for example) would still be unable to legally drive. I do not seriously expect a great many Californians to vote against something that will benefit millions of their fellow citizens because it does not provide a get out of jail free card to some inept youngsters (of whatever age you are referring to... I assume that it is at least 18, otherwise your entire premise is patently nonsensical to begin with) who often by the very actions that got them in trouble in the first place prove that they shouldn't BE treated as adults for purposes of this kind of legislation.
Take it now, tweak it later.

If this does not pass, it will be another big multi year (decades more likely) set back to the whole legalzation process for the rest of the country.
Pure speculation and fear... I doubt that will happen... it will continue to grow as far as the movement goes and the chances of the bill being changed to keep people out of jail and elected officials accountable can go forth.

We will have to wait and see.
Voting no. Marijuana is already legal and available to CA residents age 18 and up under prop 215. Dick Lee is in it for the money and the way this law specifically targets the home growers is proof in point that he is only primarily concerned about lining his pockets as the competition of dispensaries that rival his as well as his nurseries are smaller and numerous. I have a feeling that Oaksterdam will become to Cannabis what BP is to oil; profit driven and nothing but.
Voting no. Marijuana is already legal and available to CA residents age 18 and up under prop 215. Dick Lee is in it for the money and the way this law specifically targets the home growers is proof in point that he is only primarily concerned about lining his pockets as the competition of dispensaries that rival his as well as his nurseries are smaller and numerous. I have a feeling that Oaksterdam will become to Cannabis what BP is to oil; profit driven and nothing but.

I thought you needed a med card for MJ in CA? Which you can do if you have a LEGIT medical need for MJ. If you don't, and just give some BS reason to a doc that will jsut sign off on it, then you (and the doctor) are commiting an act of fraud, aren't you?

And as for the money,, well, money is the grease that makes the world go 'round. Without money, no one would try to get it legalized, and with any new business opportunity, there will be early adopters that will benefit, and the followers,, there will be people that grow their won, and others will be forced to buy commercial junk because they can't keep a plant alive.

sorta like beer,, you pay more for a local craft brew, or brew your own good beer,, otherwise, pay for the commercial swill like bud...
I thought you needed a med card for MJ in CA?

You do. But there are a number of people that think nothing of defrauding the government, the system, and people who truly deserve to qualify. There are also, sadly, a number of doctors who are greedy enough to go along.

In addition to keeping the prices for medicinal cannabis high, it's causing a growing sentiment to feel that the laws for people that use cannabis under Prop215 need to be tightened up considerably (along with the qualification requirements). Which will end up placing a burden of time and money (which many of the truly ill just DON'T have) on qualified/potential users of medicinal cannabis. And sadly, they do have a very valid point.

For the people who are unfairly using Prop215, when this happens it will simply be an inconvenience. For the qualified users...

It's enough to make you sick.
You do. But there are a number of people that think nothing of defrauding the government, the system, and people who truly deserve to qualify. There are also, sadly, a number of doctors who are greedy enough to go along.

In addition to keeping the prices for medicinal cannabis high, it's causing a growing sentiment to feel that the laws for people that use cannabis under Prop215 need to be tightened up considerably (along with the qualification requirements). Which will end up placing a burden of time and money (which many of the truly ill just DON'T have) on qualified/potential users of medicinal cannabis. And sadly, they do have a very valid point.

For the people who are unfairly using Prop215, when this happens it will simply be an inconvenience. For the qualified users...

It's enough to make you sick.

yup, I agree 100%. I think that the fact that so many abuse the system in CA, is what causes others to think it is all a scam or a joke. Sadly, the ones that will suffer the most, are the people that need it, bacause people think that it is ok for them to skirt the laws.. and then turn around and say, let's vote no to make it legal for all adults, because it is too easy to scam the system now,,,
I live in Cali and I`m disabled for life and on Fedral Disability(Not SSI,welfare) It doesn`t mater how many others can skirt the law and get a doctors recomendation to me! Doesn`t effect me one bit. As a mater of fact I beleave Marijuana helps healthy people stay healthy and live longer.Everyone who choses should have access to medical Marijuana. Id rather if any law was changed they would make it availible with the recomendation of RN or NA even! Hell even someone with just First Aid training!
I live in Cali and I`m disabled for life and on Fedral Disability(Not SSI,welfare) It doesn`t mater how many others can skirt the law and get a doctors recomendation to me! Doesn`t effect me one bit. As a mater of fact I beleave Marijuana helps healthy people stay healthy and live longer.Everyone who choses should have access to medical Marijuana. Id rather if any law was changed they would make it availible with the recomendation of RN or NA even! Hell even someone with just First Aid training!

is that the reason you want to vote no on this bill? since it won't effect you, heck with the millions it will help? And I do agree with you, that everyone who chooses should have access to MJ, however, commiting fraud to do so, should not be OK.. if the nov initiative passes, then millions of adults will be able to do just that,, choose if they want to grow/use MJ...
No the point he is trying to make is the fact that the Fed and the state will not put up with it. In this forum you will see them pushing their way with taking away children from their families because you smoke or use marijuana. Also there is no change in jobs either where an employee will fire you for using... Again to them it is one thing to go after people who use it who are in wheelchairs, it is another thing to go after jo blow and his family for using it recreationally.

Again I say... though this bill may not be perfect... they are working on ways to come after the american people of california... there latest weapon... you are an unfit parent if you smoke weed!
No the point he is trying to make is the fact that the Fed and the state will not put up with it. In this forum you will see them pushing their way with taking away children from their families because you smoke or use marijuana.
yeah, I saw that therad too,, that is some scary sh*t, and totalt BS.. words cannot describe that f'ing ordeal that those poor kids and their parents will have to endure for the rest of their lives

Also there is no change in jobs either where an employee will fire you for using..

actually, the bill has a section in there that says employers CANNOT fire you for testing positive for MJ.. and I believe even if they think you are impaired on the job even...

Again to them it is one thing to go after people who use it who are in wheelchairs, it is another thing to go after jo blow and his family for using it recreationally.

Again I say... though this bill may not be perfect... they are working on ways to come after the american people of california... there latest weapon... you are an unfit parent if you smoke weed!

saw another thread where cops said that the chemicals used in a indoor grow operation and the mold spores that an indoor grow generate caused harm te the children,, or some BS like that...

so, yeah, they will do/say anything,, BUT,, hopefully this bill will force the cops into actually doing thier job ie. to serve and protect.. or at least going after actual criminals..
I know brother... I wish there was a perfect answer. They are just itching to put the american people in jail. What a bunch of puke's!

Gone are the days of freedom.
I know brother... I wish there was a perfect answer. They are just itching to put the american people in jail. What a bunch of puke's!

Gone are the days of freedom.

part of it is the rhetoric of the war on drugs,, part of it is the ingraining of the culture (on the cops side) and a breeding of total disregard for anyone they deem to be sub-human,, (all MJ users).. and a big part of it is the money they get for pot busts,, I am sure you have seen those threads as well,, basically saying they don't have enough money to stop a drunk driver, but they will bust MJ grows..

I too wish there was a perfect answer,, only way is to keep the discussion going.. :peace:
Yea is that not bullshit or what...ahahahaha. The fed gives them money for busting marijuana but they can not extend Unemployment benifits for out of work Americans.

The Fed Government is turning into a joke!
I think we can agree on that! The Fedral Goverment protects the banking and investment systems at the cost to home owners and tax payers! They do little for the working man who is out of work and arrest everyone they can for marijuana! I may not be a conservitive but I do agree with the Tea Party ,we need to kick all them politicals out and start fresh! I don`t care what party they belong too! Way to many of them are so rich and have no clue what they are doing or they just don`t care about our country at all!
Same here... I do not agree with some of the nut jobs they have... but they have some good points... better than what we have now and who is going to be on the ballot.
is that the reason you want to vote no on this bill? since it won't effect you, heck with the millions it will help? And I do agree with you, that everyone who chooses should have access to MJ, however, commiting fraud to do so, should not be OK.. if the nov initiative passes, then millions of adults will be able to do just that,, choose if they want to grow/use MJ...

No it didn`t have much to do with why I will be voting no on prop19 in November. I just don`t see how people who get doctors recomendations for any reason hurts me as a valid medical user.In fact I feel MMJ is as good at prevention of Illness as treating many illnesses.I don`t see it as fraud at all! I started smoking MJ in the 60`s when I was a young man. I had AS but didn`t know or have that many symptoms yet. My Doctor told me because of my long use of marijuana it has put off the effects of my illness. I would have been dead by now if I had not started using Marijuana at an early age! You see my use over the years has prolonged my life and well being! It works that way on a number of other illnesses also! That`s why I think everyone should have acess to Medical Marijuana, even youths with a parent`s consent and a medical recomendation. And if they never develope an illness what harm is there? None!
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