Ph meter problem

think difrent

New Member
Ok i mesure calibrarion fluid 7.0 it shows 7.0 but whan i mesure my water it shows 6.4 but that is way to low so i test my calibration fluid and my water with ghe ph drops a year old an for the calibration liquid it shows 7.0 but for the water the same water its abaut 8.0 to 8.5 wich shold i belive the drops or the meter sory for my eanglish and tnx for the help
your suppose to have 2 calibration liquid a 7.0 ph and a 4.0 ph
try that and see if that helps
you dont undarstand sory probobly my folt my eangliah my ph pen and my GHE ph drops show bowth when i mesure calibration fluid 7.0 they both show 7.0 but when i mesure my tap water the ph pen shovs 6.4 but the drops dark blue so 8.0 or 8.5 and my question was which is right and which rong which shold i belive the pen or the drops
i red thed low quality pens which hawe an old probe dont read low ionized water maybi that was the problem the ppm of the my tap water is 116ppm but my probe is 4 monts old but i dont know if it s new the ovner of the local stor changed for free i bot the meter there im thinking of buying a new blu lab pan this adwa pen is a year old and i changed a probe alredy ... and its very very slow
if you can get a new bluelab ph pen go for it but don't forget to calibrate it with both ph 7.0 and ph 4.0 calibration liquid
i own a bluelab ph pen and it requires a monthly recalibration
as noted by a missing check mark on the screen
if the check mark is there it is calibrated
is my writing really that bad ? do you understand me sorry i don't mean to offend you i think we dont understand each other thank you for the help frend my meter is a year old got his first bateris but they are full i think and the glas thing isn t broken it is low quality pis of crap that is what my frend says... going to buy a new one
tnx for the help man peace
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