Plan To Deny Firearms Cards To Medical Cannabis Users Is Nixed

The General

New Member
Illinois - Medical marijuana patients shouldn't have any problem getting a firearms ID card. A proposed state rule that would not permit that to happen has been removed. It's not clear whether Illinoisans who own Concealed Carry Weapons Permits are affected. Those rules are expected to be made public on Friday. Federal law states that anyone who uses a controlled substance, including marijuana, is banned from owning or possessing a firearm or ammunition. The rules now head to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, which would review and approve the rules following a 45-day public comment period.


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Staff
Contact: 1340 WJOL
Website: 1340 WJOL - Plan To Deny Firearms Cards to Medical Pot Users Is Nixed
This is good news. I just moved from Illinois, and I know a lot of people were "up in arms" so to speak about this. Quite honestly I am just glad to be out of that state for a lot of reasons. It is not cannabis friendly at all as is seen by the number of arrests that are made per capita.
Unfortunately in doing so they violate our second amendment to an extent...Just join the militia and they can't regulate your firearms, period.
It's a sad day if I wouldn't be able to protect myself going to & from work because the state I'm living in decided I was "too bad" of a person to carry a firearm solely on the fact that I smoke.. If that same place allows me to have a state-issued license to smoke then why wouldn't that state want to keep their regulated citizens protected? Obviously this is an issue between law abiding activists vs. what the state deems as criminal activity. Speak up for yourselves & protecting your family people! A robber will have a gun, a probably smoke a joint without a red card, so why should the scales of justice be tilted so heavily in their favor?
It's a sad day if I wouldn't be able to protect myself going to & from work because the state I'm living in decided I was "too bad" of a person to carry a firearm solely on the fact that I smoke.. If that same place allows me to have a state-issued license to smoke then why wouldn't that state want to keep their regulated citizens protected? Obviously this is an issue between law abiding activists vs. what the state deems as criminal activity. Speak up for yourselves & protecting your family people! A robber will have a gun, a probably smoke a joint without a red card, so why should the scales of justice be tilted so heavily in their favor?

Very well said sir! ;)
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