Proud user of LED UFO

There seems to be a fair amount of thought going on in this thread.

I've yet to see a UFO style light with a decent lens angle for penetration. But you have to think also that not only does that reduce coverage area as you've noted, each individual LED of lesser angle will require greater distance in order to blend spectra with and reinforce the next led.

It's also important to keep in mind that, power of individual LEDs and the lenses for them being equal, different wavelengths of illumination have different levels of penetrative power. Ergo, if an LED fixture comprised of LEDs of differing wavelengths uses LEDs that are all of the same power rating (and are all driven at the same level) and all use the same type of lenses, they will have differing levels of penetration into a canopy. To approximate an equal illumination at whatever level (into that canopy) that the manufacturer is shooting for, he would, IMHO, have to use LEDs that are powered at different levels and that have a mixture of lenses.

Which seems... slightly complicated. In my mind, the only way to have a "perfect LED fixture" would be if it came with active power regulation on a per-LED basis and active adjustable lenses (again, on a per-LED basis), and if that fixture came with some kind of sensor to be placed at whatever level within the canopy that the grower considers his "cut-off" for production-quality bud that could break down the light that it was actually receiving in such a way that it could report back both which wavelengths it "saw" and the levels of radiation of each.

I don't think there's anything like that in the marketplace. I don't think that any manufacturer has such a setup in his R&D department being tested. I think that it is likely that none even have it on the drawing board.

But there ARE some very nice LED fixtures in the marketplace. Some of the people that sell them are sponsors here and there are several rather respectable journals both ongoing and completed. I think success in trying to grow with LEDs - at least LEDs without supplemental illumination - is a combination of a manufacturer who is really attempting to create the best product that he can, continually trying to improve that product - to make changes as they occur to him based on the fact that they either have proven to be better in testing or at least logically should be better and are worthy OF testing - and a grower that is willing to work with the manufacturer (via feedback with the retailer) in order to figure out what style of growing, canopy depth/density, light height, grow room size, size of fixtures (in terms of both wattage and actual physical size/spread/density), number of fixtures, et cetera work best.

IOW, while growing with HIDs is, with few exceptions, already mapped out as to what works best with various sizes/types of lights, types of reflectors, and so on... Growing with LEDs is at this point still a very dynamic thing. While it's no longer considered to be in its infancy, it's still at the toddler (kindergarten?) level. As mentioned, some setups are working very well. But the "best scenarios" aren't figured out yet because the "standard LED benchmark growing methods" haven't really been determined yet.
One can make many of the same arguments about HID- MH/HPS- one for veg, one for flower, inherent flaws with either. Until the availability of CMHs you needed a minimum of 600 watts to get a good balance of spectrums, and you may still. That's a lot of heat to dissipate. And then there's the inefficiency of hoods, but if you drop the hood and go vertical you need to be able to rotate your plants around the light/s 360degrees, so all tops and sides will get light. Tables that spin are available, but you can't use them when your pots are integrated into a reservoir feeding set up.

I wrap my aero pod (<2 x 3) with windshield reflector such that it sticks up ~15" above the surface. My UFO is just below the top. This significantly increase the amount of LED light and penetration.

As long as the strain is short or made so with LST/SOG, LEDs are viable. Although I have gotten some decent g/w using one UFO 90 + CFL supplementation, I would like to have a rectangular fixture pumping out ~ 200 LED watts ala Advanced or Spectra (formerly GHL).

My biggest gripe is as the bulbs lose intensity and/or burn out, there is no simple one-to-one replacement. Repair or chip replacement will be expensive, and for most, not user doable.

The good news is product quality is good enough and the price is dropping to where a personal use grower will get at least 10 grows, if not 20-30 before any significant LED degradation. So if one divides up the replacement cost a $350 light (~200 watts) over as few as 10 grows, it is less than or equal to the additional costs for venting as well as electricity to run a ~ 600 watt HID.
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