Psilocybin Medical Applications/New Funding

Back in 1957 Life Magazine published an article titled, " Seeking the Magic Mushroom" featuring a mind opening and blowing account of an American banker's exploration in psilocybin.


Soon after publication, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, Sandor Pharmaceuticals, led by chemist Albert Huffman, creates "Indocybin", the first pill to contain psilocybin. In an attempt to research this compound in psychiatric studies, trials were performed through the 1960s but quickly lost momentum when the DEA deemed it a Schedule 1 drug and was later banned in 1970.

Dating back to over 10,000 years ago, scientists believe that rock paintings in Western Australia were done in indigenous ceremonies where they utilized this mind altering fungal metabolite.

Its uses are all over the mental and physical health and wellness spectrum; aiding those with eating disorders, OCD, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's, PTSD and end of life distress. Much like cannabis however, the negative stigma it carries unfortunately plays right into the cards of the ignorant and close minded. But oh how those tables are turning.

As new research has shown, the compound interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain to trigger various psychedelic effects. The activated serotonin 5-HT2a receptors on cortical pyramidal cells altered connectivity that influences cognitive function. It has been scientifically noted recently, that psilocybin performs better than most SSRI medications. In addition, these studies are not limited to or even based off of daily micro dosing use. These studies have amazingly shown significant patient improvement when used systematically with a dose only every 3,6 or 9 months!

Psilocybin clinical trials are now being done worldwide with many big pharma companies instilling millions of dollars into further research and development.

In 2021, the Australian government allocated $15 million worth of grants to researchers studying the benefits of mental health using psilocybin. John's Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, gained regulatory approval in 2000 to reinstate research in what some consider, "the next cannabis". NYU and University of Alabama Birmingham are using funding to help study the aid of psilocybin in smoking cessation while Toronto's University Health Network is in the midst of establishing a Psychedelic Psychotherapy Research Center. University of Calgary is currently looking for their 1st Psychedelic Research Chair and as you can see, it has become a major topic point for every major academic centre in the world.

Legal exemptions to medicinal applications are now being written and passed in multiple countries, as well. As of this month, medicines containing psilocybin can be prescribed by authorized psychiatrists to people experiencing treatment resistant depression. Clinical trials over the last few years have studied intensely on the dynamic of this metabolite in terminally ill patients who have presented with an inability to communicate or open up to their loved ones or manage the mounting stress and depression that end of life can bring. Non profit organizations like MAPS, "envision a world where Psychedelics/Marijuana are safely available for medical uses".

Organizations like MAPS, who originated in 1986 to end the psych prohibition, provide public records, resources and information to create evidence based, legal and responsible pathways to using Psychedelics for medicinal purposes and benefits. Scientists from all over the globe attest to having had many but only "small wins to date" on the war against the ban on Psychedelics.

It is up to us, the people, as is the marijuana movement, to enlighten the masses, to encourage overall conceptual understanding of its medicinal applications, to open minds, to educate the ignorant and dissolve preconceived notions and stigmas.

It is my hope that those of you who grow/grew your own and/or have had positive experiences with psilocybin/magic mushrooms, will flood these forums with your grows, concrete evidence of the endless mental/physical/emotional uses of this compound, your own personal stories, trials and failures.

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