San Francisco Board Oks Medical Mj

Spliff Twister

New Member
Feb. 2, 00
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA)
Copyright: 2000 Seattle Post-Intelligencer
SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OKS USE OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA CALIFORNIA - The San Francisco Board of Supervisors put its stamp of approval yesterday on a plan to issue identification cards to medical marijuana users. The city ordinance is designed to allow qualified cardholders to obtain high-grade marijuana from several dispensaries without fear of being arrested. It still must be considered by Mayor Willie Brown. "What the card does is to certify that the holder fits the requirements of the California medical marijuana statute," said deputy city attorney Marc Slavin. He said the card will not contain a name or photo for confidentiality purposes but will display a serial number. No fees have been set. If approved by the mayor, it would be the third such program in the state. All are byproducts of a proposition approved by voters in 1996 that allows for possession, cultivation and use of marijuana for medicinal purposes
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