Saying hello


New Member
What's up every one? First of all I would just like to applaud everybody on this web site for trying to make this world a better place by offering his or her knowledge to the uneducated toker. There is nothing I hate to see more then a young smoker being taken advantage of, "through no fault of their own" by someone more educated then them. The fact that people can post questions, comments, or concerns and have them answered, truthfully, is amazing.

I have a question. One of the gentle men I do business with was recently busted by his parents and landlord. No charges are being held against him, however he was evicted from his apartment and his parents are making him go through rehab. Isn't that funny, I can see someone asking him if he ever sucked dick for weed! Anyway, this guy happened to have three very lovely female plants growing in his closet with nowhere to put them. The day he was evicted he gave me a call and asked if I wanted the plants. Of course I happily accepted, and we moved the plants to my house. I packed a bowl of some AK I had and sent him to rehab right. Unfortunately I forgot to ask him some questions, "I wonder why?" Now the girls are doing fine in their new home but, I don't know when they'll be ready to harvest. I've grown before and I know that it is time to harvest when the hairs, "if you will" turn whatever color they are going to turn. But, every time I think the majority of the hairs are orange, new ones start to grow. I've seen this happen before but I knew how long the flowering time was on the plants. Does anyone know a good method for ageing plants? Perhaps another accurate way to determine harvest time. I am in no hurry with these girls and I want them to grow to there full potential. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Keep the faith
Eskimojoe :smokin3:
Let me be the first non-mod to welcome you, I can't help you with your question, but I know people on here will, just jump over to the grow room and ask there... peace...
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