School Sweep Ignores Rights

^HaHa, I imagine Abe would have been glad to introduce him to the 12ga, but he was still out on tractor. I got to come in early just being a kid and all.

Correct also there Freak, I did not get a hunger for the concept of education until this particular school system above was way behind me. Their big push was for everyone to own an FFA jacket and thats about it.
The did that at my high school atleast 5 times while I was there. Got searched once, they didn't find anything though, cept they took my cigarettes and lighter. I was targeted probaly cause of the way I dressed and I smoked cigs (and narcs) and they brought the dogs on 4/19. They brought them on 4/20 the next day too! Thats when they questioned me. I live in a small town too, but there is a college.
I honestly didn't think the lockdowns "hurt" me. They just made me think fuck I wonder who brought weed to school was today and hope it wasn't one of my buddies!
Wow! So many who still think they have rights. I hate to say it but the only rights any of us have left are the rights to bend over and kiss our own asses. All of our other rights have gone away. Phone calls are recorded, mail gone through, emails read and people profiled because of the way they dress or the color of their skin. Yeah...we al have rights alright! lol
Which, I hope, is not to say that we shouldn't do what we can to retain or reclaim those rights we're promised in the Constitution.
I'm still giving my son a letter to carry with him to school saying that they will have to contact my lawyer and have he and I present for any search they may want to conduct on him...and thats after getting a search warrant!!!
If they cant honor that, then he has my permission to leave the school grounds and either wait for me to pick him up, or drive his car home...which ever the case may be.
In fact I will tell his principal straight up, from the get go that, they do not have permission from me to terrorize him with unlawful searches!
I have pre paid legal, and I aint afraid to use it!!!
Jimbo, that's some massive pre-planning you have going. I wish my folks had done that. I was never caught with anything at school. Not once. But I swear to God the most annoying thing I've ever done (done it quite a few times), sitting through at school, wasting at least 2 and a half to 3 hours of our day, all because someone might have tobacco on them. So many searches are fruitless you wonder why they even bother. All they ever ended up taking was cell phones.
... His line was more like, "Its not your locker, its mine and I'm just loaning it to you. I will open it whenever I want to". This of course is after they cut the lock off, and then require you to get another...

You see thats not exactly true either now is it? Did that principal pay for the locker himself? No. You and others as tax paying citizens of your town paid for the locker in addition to his montly salary. So to say the locker belongs to him couldn't be furthur from the truth. In all actuality, the school and all the lockers in it belong to we the people. Amazing the excuses power hungry people will use to justify their infractions.

On another note, in the recent "DC Gun Ban" final ruling, 5 out of 9 supreme court justices agree you do have the right as a citizen to keep and bear arms for self defense purposes. This was not only a ruling in favor of the 2nd Amendment, but simultaneously assures us that the words of our founding fathers ring true even in modern times and cannot be swept under the rug of history. :clap:

You DO in fact still have rights, even in these most uncertain of times. It is during these times that your God given rights as an American become more vital then ever. Knowing exactly what your rights are is the first step. Excercising them and fighting tooth and nail to retain them is the second. :peace:
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