Seed growing from both ends?


Well-Known Member
So I woke up yesterday morning to see if any of my seeds had sprouted, and one of them finally had! Yay!!
I wake up today and found that there is a second stalk that grew up... can seeds sprout from both ends? I think the seed is confused and instead of rooting one end and growing up the other, they are both growing up out of the soil?? Unless there was a second seed in the soil already and I'm just a high ass and planted a second seed lol.
At this point you can just gently remove the soil from around them, gently pull them apart, and re-plant them. The reason you wouldn't want to separate them would be the possibility of damaging the roots. If they're entangled then you could stunt them.

But if you leave them you in effect halve the pot size. So in, say, a 5 gallon pot if you have two plants you now have 2.5 gallons for each plant. If you wait much longer the roots will be too entangled to separate them without quite a bit of damage.

You can leave them if you're not confident in your ability to separate them, shouldn't be too bad. You might have issues, but that's what we're here for.
It's a Siamese twin ( conjoined) and yes it happens, and no it's not rare...I was part of a Seedsman comparative grow, and we had several do that within a couple of weeks :thumb: do not try to separate them, more than likely the small one will die :goodluck:
@MochaBud Glad you're here to keep him from following my advice.
What strain were you guys growing where you had several?
It was the Alaskan Purple I believe, the C99 x Blueberry Fast was a hermie :thedoubletake:
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