Student Drug Tests Degrading


New Member
Regarding "Lessons of a failed drug study" ( March 18 ), while ethical considerations complicate drug-testing studies, there is no lack of research on the positive role extracurricular activities play in reducing drug use.

Forcing students to undergo degrading urine tests as a prerequisite will only discourage participation. Drug tests also may compel users of marijuana to switch to harder synthetic drugs to avoid testing positive.

Despite a short-lived high, organic marijuana is the only illegal drug that stays in the human body long enough to make urinalysis a deterrent. If you think students don't know this, think again.

The most commonly abused drug is almost impossible to detect with urinalysis. That drug is alcohol, and it takes far more student lives every year than all illegal drugs combined. Instead of wasting money on counterproductive drug tests, schools should invest in reality-based drug education.

Pubdate: Sat, 27 Mar 2004
Source: Oregonian, The (Portland, OR)
Copyright: 2004 The Oregonian
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