Support Marijuana Taxation and Regulation


New Member
Each year, more than 700,000 people are arrested for marijuana offenses, costing American taxpayers more than $7 billion annually. Despite this, marijuana is still easily available, both to adults and minors. Through a focused system of taxation and regulation, we can take money out of the pockets of drug dealers and more effectively limit youth access to marijuana. Shouldn't we focus our country's resources on important priorities instead of prosecuting a wasteful war on marijuana?
I am writing to urge you to support the end of marijuana prohibition in this country. Each year, more than 700,000 people are arrested for marijuana offenses, costing American taxpayers more than $7 billion annually. I am sure you'll agree that this enormous amount of money could be put to far, far better use.

For instance, the money saved from ending marijuana prohibition could provide health insurance each year to 4.5 million uninsured children in this country. According to surveys by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, uninsured children are at risk of preventable illness -- such as acute asthma attacks or hearing loss -- because of a lack of regular check-ups.

Shouldn't we focus our country's resources on protecting our most vulnerable -- children -- instead of prosecuting a wasteful war on marijuana users?

I urge you to support federal legislation that would allow states to tax and regulate marijuana.
Good Day,
I believe your logic is sound for the direction you are advocating. However, I am a long time "victim/user" of govermental red tape.

At this time, I think a $50.00 an ounce tax and 9% sales tax fee would be abusive for alot of people which would entrench the need for black market suppliers. (this is a quote from an article I read, don't remember site) The additional cost for an ounce would place us in line with the tobacco company. Taxes greatly increased the cost of a cigarette, I think there are other options available. We do not need to voluntarily subject ourselves to red tape, disclosure of growers, and the amount of use. The therapeutic cannibus population does not neeed to be burdened with high taxation and voluntarily being alined with tobacco companies.

Your solution is great for voluntarily impossing rules, regulations and tax gathering. The State and Federal Government would like to make us all "Tax Collectors. Taking it slow and careful will help us find a reasonable alternative.

Geno Bambino
Stop the war on drugs, legalize, and regulate absolutely. However, IMO the real issue is wasteful spending....including the war on drugs. As long as that's occurring no amount of taxation is going to solve our budget and health care problems. Wouldn't the 7 billion dollar figure drop just from legalization, without the tax? The amount of resources needed would decrease, no? If you're legalizing cannabis doesn't that include hemp? Hemp products would be taxed like anything else. Legalize and regulate, but I'd prefer that something that I and many others use as medicine not to be taxed...many of us are in no position to grow....maybe I'm not seeing things clearly from all sides.
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