Tea brewing

actually it seems odd that all the hydro growers are not all over this product especially dwc. i thought the maxium amount of o2 that water could hold was 6mg/litre at 68F. i suspect that the reason they claim 25% increase in o2 is because they have very high quality water to begin with and if you were using a lesser grade of water the difference would be much greater than 25%
well i finally got my book teaming with microbes in the mail today and i highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to brew. very easy to read and not to technical, the forward is written by dr. ingram and quite entertaining so if she writes in that manner in her own book i may have to get that one as well. i also went by the hydro store to pick up some potting soil and some of that great white brand em benificial bacteria but all they had was the 8oz jars left for 80 bucs. so we start talking and i'm telling him how i was able to get fulvic acid mail order cause he can't get it anymore and if he's ever heard of alaska humus, turns out he carries the general organics brand ancient forest alaska humus so i picked up a bag of that as well instead of the great white. much cheaper too only 10 bucs. seems like all the good stuff u can't buy in ca like fulvic acid and biozome archaea microbes but he was selling verimipost tea that he brewed and packaged out of a refridgerator.
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