The Browny Crusade


New Member
It was around 1 and kirk, another friend and I went for a walk to burn a J, which I may add was the best joint I've ever rolled, and after a 20 minute stroll we went to a gas station right down the street to satisify our hardcore munchy craving. We get in there and imeditly we're eyed down like thives and get looks like we're going to rob the whole store blind. My friend goes for the food isle and grabs dry foods like pretzels and wheat type snakes which is something I've never seen anyone favor muchies. Kirk and I head for the candy isle and he stocks up. I didn't plan on getting anything since I didn't have any money so we were heading back to the cash regester when I saw in my peripheral vision something which seemed of unmistakable godly taste, a little purse browny. Nearly dropping to my knees I beg them to get it me it and with a little protest my friend agrees. We all continue to march up to the cash regester proundly and put down nearly enough food to cover the counter, mini-cakes, starburts, beef jurky, muchies, gum, drinks, and a bunch of other finger foods. The cahser begins ringing up stuff which took a bit of time, and being a gas station close to an interstate outlet gets busy. By the time it reached about 20 dollars there were 3 or 4 people behind us. Almost about to pay I look in my hand and see the browny and said "Oh sorry, and this" and set it down on the counter. Someone behind us sighed and the casher scanned it, then scanned it again, and again. There was no price on it he said and he would have to look it up. Before I could utter any words to cancel the purchase he turned around and began looking at the store's online price database. By now there are 5 or 6 people behind us wanting to pay for there gas, several minutes go by, 8 people behind us, I tell him nevermind and he replies determindly "no, I almost have it". Another guy walks in and nearly screams "Holy shit", another guys comes in, takes one look and walks out. My friends look at me and say to just tell him to forget it but I'm too scared to speak. I look over and see a donation jar, and the picture on it was the had the goofiest, most hidious looking dog I had ever seen but it still bore a that cute puppy dog face and I couldn't hold it, after seeing that picture and being in an okward situation and of course being high, I broke down into a state of hystaria, kirk looked over at me and spied that same dog picture and almost died laughing. The one person behind us was laughing, the other behind him seemed to be coked up and was jittering around in an unspeak able anger just like all the other behind him. After another minute of total silence beside us holding back snickers the casher turns around with wide eyes seeing the crowd he quickly threw the browny down and said $1.20 or some odd number. We bought it and ran out of there out of intense paranoia and fear of our lives. Half way down the street after almost dieing from laughing I opened up the browny, took one bite, and was struck by the bitter taste of irony, I looked down at the brown devil and almost imeadiatly threw the shit flavored thing. We all looked at eachother and laughed.

Sorry that wasn't organized but I just typed without thinking about paragraph formation.
Wow.. That was an intense story. Seriosuly, it was. Anyways. I'm glad to hear you brownie wasn't worth it nor was the time waiting for it. Maybe next time you'll learn better.. or something. I don't know. :allgood:
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