Too late?


New Member
ok, so i live in the suburbs of chicago and i wantt to no if its to late to start to grow, and if its isnt please explian to me what to you have to give the plants nutrients?
Re: to late?

the reason nobody has answered this is because youve asked some pretty simple questions without providing enough detail.

first off are you planning on using potting mix and buckets or just using your backyards soil?
second, you should research it online, elsewhere, your asking somebody here to explain the basics from start to finish for you as a reply to your post, you will have to do what most people do when they cant figure something out, google it, theres plenty of resource on the net.

and asking if a plant needs nutrients? thats like asking if your microwave needs electricity.
Re: to late?

in chicago it might be too late to start growing but if youve got some seeds laying around go for it. if anything youll have small plants with a little bit of bud. either way youll have fun watching them grow and even more fun smoking them.
good luck
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