Try New Approach


New Member
They took it upon themselves to seize smoking items from a few local businesses here in Wilmington because the Department of Justice sees them as being clearly intended for illegal drug use.

What's next, outlawing lighters? They're clearly used with the intent of ingesting narcotics. When does the removal of our freedom end?

Now I'm not going to cry about why pot shouldn't be lumped in with narcotics, especially when the legal drug of alcohol is 10 times more destructive than marijuana ever could be. .

I only pray that some day, we'll wake up and elect people smart enough to realize that the only correct step in the war on drugs is to end it by legalization.

Treatment at the source can help, not throwing non-violent offenders in tax-supported prisons while making no impact on the availability of drugs or behavior of users. This would also highly reduce crimes done by addicts to support their habits.

Don't get me wrong - I don't believe that hard drug use is good - in fact, I believe it's the closest thing to Satan on earth.

The right, however, to choose what one wants for him or herself without hurting someone else is one of the main reasons this country is great. If we keep moving in the wrong direction, it won't be for much longer.

Pubdate: Wed, 10 Mar 2004
Source: Star-News (NC)
Copyright: 2004 Wilmington Morning Star
Website: Wilmington Star News: Local & World News, Sports & Entertainment in Wilmington, NC
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