Vents TT fan


New Member
So I've installed my fan in the tent.
The arrow faces <----- towards the ducting out of the tent should the arrow be facing -----> towards my filter ??? Newbie need education lol.

Sent from my SM-G920F using 420
hmmm... there are a few way to set up a fan properly and even many more ways to do it wrong. I don't really want to assume I understand your description and will just explain it.

You attach the fan directly and with a good seal to the carbon filter pulling air through the filter. You attach a ducting or hose to the fan outlet and run that out the tent. In this way any leaks that occur in the ducting will be releasing filtered air.

<----Ducting | Fan | Filter

if you do it this incorrect way then you run the risk of un-filtered air seeping leaking into the exhaust from a poor seal or broken ducting.

WRONG <----Fan | Ducting___| Filter
leaks here-------------| or here | means smelly exterior

Eventually all seals will deteriorate and leak. If the positive pressure is on the filtered air side the leak is clean air. If the negative pressure is on the filtered air side the leak is smelly unfiltered air and the whole thing is a waste.

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