What's The Easiest Way To Make Perfect Cannabis Recipes?

Robert Celt

New Member
A quality butter/cannabis infusion is the cornerstone of a memorable and soul-satisfying cannabis recipe.

Everyone who has ever tried their hand at making cannabutter the old-fashioned way knows it’s no picnic. Years of trial and error have determined that the easiest, most consistent method of all is automatically, inside a MagicalButter® Botanical Extractor™. The countertop machine employs a combination of heat and a digitally programmable immersion blender to infuse the fat-soluble molecules in cannabis into the fats of cooking oils and butter.


First step to greatness

The preliminary step to creating cannabutter is decarboxylating your herb by baking it at 250°F/120°C for ½ to 1 hour. This will not only activate your cannabis, converting the molecule “THC acid” in the plant material into the familiar cannabinoid THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), but will also give it a nice toasted, nutty taste. Many a novice cannabis cook has skipped this essential task, either not knowing their top-shelf stash contained zero THC, or in the mistaken belief that the heat from cooking would do the decarboxylating for them. The only thing better than learning from your mistakes is learning from OTHER people’s mistakes. So, don’t omit decarbing. And while those buds are baking....


Let’s clarify something

It's time to multi-task. It’s the ideal time to melt and clarify your butter prior to cooking with it. Never put butter sticks straight from the refrigerator into the extractor; rather, it’s best to melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat until it separates into three layers. Then carefully skim off and remove the white surface layer of foamy milkfat, and pour out only the large central layer (yellow butterfat) into a container, being sure to leave and discard the layer of white whey solids and water in the bottom. That golden layer is your clarified (or drawn) butter, the base of your MagicalButter recipe. After processing, your finished herb butter will have a hearty green hue from the chlorophyll in the plant material.


Any brand of unsalted butter you prefer is fine to use. Keep in mind, however, that using more expensive Irish butter makes for a better infusion: High-quality butter has less water in it, giving it a richer flavor and increasing your yield.

Ah, the old days

Older, outdated methods for making cannabutter were messy and inconsistent (and in some cases even dangerous). You had no choice but to rely on an imprecise heater (crock-pot), or stand for hours over a hot stove, mindlessly stirring.

With this appliance, the whole process is automated. You can create a balanced, infused butter consistently, using your favorite ingredients of known quality, with very little effort. The extractor does all the work and gives you peace of mind, knowing it will stir your concoction at the proper intervals and not burn your valued molecules.

It doesn’t get much simpler than this

Now you’re ready to stand back and let the MagicalButter machine work its magic.

1. Decarb your cannabis, and clarify your butter (described above).
2. Place the ingredients inside the pitcher, and secure the head.
3. Set the temperature and cycle time.
4. After the cycle is complete, put on your LoveGlove™, and pour the pitcher contents slowly through your PurifyFilter™ into formed molds, ice-cube trays, or other storage container.

When your extraction is complete, you will need to strain out the chopped up plant matter this can be done with ease thanks to your Purify Filter bag and silicone Love Glove.

Even if you are new to cooking with cannabis, you can select different strains and get creative with your recipes. How about making a Platinum Huckleberry Cookie butter, which is great for depression or PTS (post-traumatic stress)? Or a White Widow butter that would be great for anxiety, PMS, or pain? Be sure to cook with only organic leaves and flowers whenever possible, and be mindful that unknown sources can have unknown strains or trace amounts of chemicals like fungicides or pesticides. You want your cannabis to be healthy as possible.


For more recipes, how-to videos, and information on cannabis and the MagicalButter machine, visit MagicalButter.com.

MagicalButter products are NOT medical devices in any way. No statement made about MB products has been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. MB products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease [U.S. 21 C.F.R. 101.93(c)].

News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Garyn Angel
Contact: Magical Butter
Photo Credit: from Magical Butter
Website: Magical Butter
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