White mold on top of soil / rockwool?


New Member
So I had some algae growing on my over watered rockwool (in direct light) I pulled the RW plants out of my table and put them in their own tray and water them alone - after a few days in very high humidity I found the algae also had white powder forming on top of it - made covers for the cubes and it seems to recedealong with the algae.

Now the same white powder seems to be affecting my soil plants on the table - is this too much moisture? thats what I think, but the plants seem real happy! I am not going to flood for today.... and try to dry things out a bit - humidity is a lil high at 70%.
Re: White mold on top of soil / rockwool??

I had a white crystal forming at the top of some generic soil I used with my tap water... Turns out it was evaporating through the top and leaving trace hardwater build up, over and over. I transplanted to a different medium immediately and started using distilled water.
Ahhhhaaa maybe... I'm doing soil-less soil hydro and it was growing on top of algae in rock wool so I dunno - maybe it is just salts. Its definitely receding in the rock wool cubes I covered with polyethylene. I think its receding I skipped most of my watering today let it dry out a bit if it gets any worse I'll post some pics so you can really see it because its pretty weak right now.
This isn't my picture but I found it on google image search and this is EXACTLY what it looks like and where its growing.


Boze said:
That looks like a mold. Using a beneficial bacteria like Piranha will clear and prevent that. Spray on the affected area and add to the reservoir.

Salt buildup usually forms in ring patterns around the hydroton where the water level is. The structures are crystalline and feel grain
Yup, looks like mold to me man.. Get one of the "good for them" bacterium to populate it, like he said. I'm not sure how high is still beneficial, but I'm only pushing into the mid-30s with my tiny stealth cab at the moment. For whatever reason the strain I'm working with, all the seedlings that I had covered for high humidity, all came up later then the ones sitting wide open.. all off the seeds presoaked and cracked mind you too.
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