Why The Government Cares That I Smoked Marihuana?

Many of us just know that Marihuana is illegal but most of us don't even know why its illegal, we just came on this earth hearing our elders saying its bad for you, it damages brain cells or it can make you go mad and so on.
Why is it that the government so fearful of us eating some marihuana cookies, smoking a joint but have no worries about if I'm going to bed hungry, don't have health insurance, can't get a job in my community, if I'm depressed or not or I'm about to lose my home?

If I'm caught with some marihuana the size of a quarter I can get over a year in prison or if I'm caught selling marihuana seed I can get 5 years to life in prison. Keep in mind that the average cost per person in a US prison is over $30,000 US per year.

Five years in prison and the US citizen would have paid $150,000 US minimum for a 5 year term. Life in prison which is 25 years and more would have cost the US citizen $750,000 just for basic maintenance. Does this spending of US tax dollars really worth it? $30,000 per year just to stop me from smoking a joint that will do nothing to me.

Right now I could really use some extra funds to pay for health insurance, extra education or just to get on an organic food diet. Do you think I can get a $500 tax cut to supplement these cost?
I don't think so but if I should be caught with an ounce of Marihuana the government will be ready to spend $30,000 in prison cost for an ounce of marijuana that I haven't smoked yet.

I don't have to tell you how many people died each day because of alcohol and tobacco, they even place warning on these product of the danger if you consume these product but they are legal to purchase at your own risk.

If you missed the warning it's below:
- SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.

- SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.

- SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight.

- SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.

Lets look at what Marijuana good for:
Social Awareness
Emotional Stability
MS Neuropathic Pain / Urinary Incontinence:
Digestive Disorders
Nausea and Diarrhea and Cramping (including Menstrual Cramps)
Social Anxiety
Sleep and General Relaxation
Alert, Cerebral
Anti Depress & Anxiety, Sleep
Chronic Pain
Appetite Stimulant/Spasms
Joint and Muscle Pain
delirium tremens (DTs)
infantile convulsions
nerve pain
very heavy periods
hay fever
skin diseases
prolonged labour in childbirth
And the list goes on...

You may now asking why marijuana is illegal if its good for all these health issue...hmm, maybe the drug companies sees a serious competition here.

Ironically no record available that can show one person that lost their life or got sick due to smoking or consumption of marihuana...This just brings me back to the question as to why marihuana is illegal?

The Gate Way Theory
The gate way theory state that if you smoked marihuana it will lead to harder drugs. If this the case then we can assume that president Obama and former president Bill Clinton must have tried harder drugs since they admitted publicly to have use marijuana in the pass. This is just BS...

Prohibition on marihuana doesn't work. This useless spending to eradicated a plant which is an impossible task is going on for over 70 years now since the 1930s and marihuana is still more popular than ever.

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NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: Over The Limit Entertainment
Author: Anthony
Contact: Over The Limit Entertainment
Copyright: 2010 Over The Limit Entertainment
Website: Why The Government cares that I smoked Marihuana?
When preaching to the choir all we can do is shake our heads and agree.

We will continue to fight, but the enemy who supposedly works for us, has all the money and all the power and no brains, so you'll have to pardon any cynicism on my part.
That cannabis is in any way illegal is almost as hard to fathom as the vastness of space.
We must never forget that the people in power are greedy and sadly lacking in any human decency .
The fight isn't really about whether cannabis is harmful or not.
It is a fight over money and power and the enemy would rather see you die than give up the golden goose.
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