Would You Break The Law To Help A Sick Relative If Medical Marijuana Is Not Approved?

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
A Derry Township grandma wrote a heart-wrenching letter to PennLive/The Patriot-News this week imploring state legislators to allow the use of medical cannabis. It also took to task state Rep. Matt Baker, who is apparently willing to allow a Senate-approved plan die in the House Health Committee, which he chairs.

Kathy Taylor said her grandson, 4-year-old Garrett, suffers from Dravet syndrome, which typically means upwards of a hundred seizures per day and eventually brain damage.

She wrote that "if it comes to seeing Garrett slowly disappear from us, then I will get what he needs. If the legislators want to deny these children life-saving due process, it's an indication of just how lost they are. I will not wait for them to get their heads on straight. Then they can explain the dead children at their feet and why a gray-haired 68-year-old grandmother is sitting in jail."

In other words, she would be willing to break the law to help her grandson get the medical care she feels he should receive.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Would you break the law to help a sick relative if medical marijuana is not approved? PennLive poll | PennLive.com
Author: Jason Maddux
Contact: jmaddux@pennlive.com
Photo Credit: MedicinalMarijuanaAssociation
Read More: 76% Of Doctors Approve Use of Medical Marijuana
Website: Central PA Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - PennLive.com
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