Yet Another rangerdanger Story


New Member
My girlfriend at the time, a beautiful Egyptian girl named Gina and I were up in Northern California near the Nevada border on vacation and stop off in Bodie, Calif., a restored ghost town.
We take the tour with the guide and about a dozen other tourists.
We're walking down the street and the guide is pointing out various buildings--the jail, the saloon, asseyers office, etc.
We stop in front of The Bodie Hotel. The guide says "this hotel was built in 1879--just think ladies and gentleman, this building is over 120 years old."
In a voice just loud enough for the group to hear (but not the guide) Gina says "Wow, 120 years old--just wait til I tell the folks back home in Cairo about this."
The group broke up. The guide looked pissed.
We went camping in the eastern Sierras in July. We did some sightseeing, and somehow ended up in Bodie. It was about 110 and the road is something like 10 miles of washboard road. We had a new car so luckily the shocks were in good shape. But that road still beat us up.

When we finally got there, there was one car. And that was the ranger's car. The fee was 12 bucks each. I'm looking at these empty buildings, 110 degrees, and 24 bucks for us to get in ??? I don't think so.

So back down the 10 miles of washboard road we go back to the main road. We stopped halfway, got out and smoked a joint, and marveled at the view. When we finished, we looked at each other, started laughing for some reason, and down the road we go. That washboard road wasn't so bad after that, in fact, it was downright hysterical for some reason.

I bought a book from the ranger, just so we could say we'd been there.:smokin:

Peace and happiness:peace:
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