Your Voice Can Support A B.C. Medical Cannabis Program

Truth Seeker

New Member
On the eve of a provincial election, we, the B.C. chapter of the Canadian Medical Cannabis Partners (CMCP), are urging citizens to support a provincial medical cannabis program. Our nonprofit, volunteer organization of patients and caregivers is polling all election candidates before the May 14 vote. Our health-care system is crumbling, expensive, and simply not working. As a former city councillor, a person with health issues, a grandma, and a ticked-off citizen, I am not beyond begging our politicians to wake up!

In 2010 at UBCM and again at 2011's FCM, our municipal leaders endorsed resolutions to "decentralize" the MMAR (Medical Marihuana Access Regulations) program to the province(s). A truly compassionate decision by municipal politicians from across our country. Still it didn't catch the eye of much media. Regardless, a proposal was written and submitted to both the B.C. and federal ministries of health. There has been no action from either. Health Canada's newly proposed program is worse than the existing one. Yet our premier and provincial minster of health continue to respond to us by deferring to the federal government. Wrong! B.C. opened the door to such a compassionate program with the precedent-setting Insite supervised injection site, which, regardless of some people's ill-informed moral judgment, has saved many lives.

This February, we sent every MLA a proposal for a provincial pilot program. We asked them to step up to the plate and fight for the lives of their constituents. Some MLAs are listening. Privately many MLAs have expressed their strong support, but none have requested that an "exploratory committee" be struck to further the idea.

The B.C. chapter of the CMCP has been lobbying our provincial government to strike a task force to set parameters for a provincial medical cannabis program under Section 56 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

The proposal is designed to start a process that will develop a system that puts the needs of patients first while meeting the needs of government–that will prevent citizens and government staff from being placed in dangerous situations due to the criminalization of this medicinal plant. Of course, removing cannabis from prohibition would resolve the criminal activity issues as it would no longer be profitable for criminals to be involved.

Check out the incredible results from Portugal. After 10 years of anti-prohibition–lower crime rates, lower drug use (including a significant drop in drug use amongst youth), and medical treatment for addicts instead of criminalization. That being said, prohibition is a very long way away in our country. I would love to be proven wrong on that point. In the meantime, let's find a way to remove our most vulnerable from harm's way, provide education to both doctors and citizens, reduce our health-care budgets, and give people a opportunity for a better quality of life. How can we, with any sanity, consider euthanasia when we deny access to cannabis which benefits ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease? Insanity!

Do you know that there is not one recorded death due to overdose or side effects of cannabis? Do you know that cannabis leaves juiced through a wheat grass juicer are incredible medicine and deliver no euphoric high? This is only one of many ways to titrate cannabis. New science! But due to the attitude of our governments that discourage research, this fact is only now being discovered. This harmless little plant has been lied about and propagandized for so many years that most people believe the lies to be truth. Cannabis was listed in the doctors' pharmacopeia from 1850 to 1943. Since it was removed and pharmaceuticals were included, western doctors lost their education in the power of the cannabis plant. There are over 20,000 peer-reviewed studies on the benefits of cannabis. Yep, you are being lied to when "they" tell you cannabis needs to be studied more. Cannabis doesn't need to be studied more. "They" need to study the studies already done.

Write your MLAs. Go to all-candidates forums. Ask each candidate if they support a provincial medical cannabis program. Let them know you want a better health system. Tell them to ask us for the proposal.

Your voice can change the direction of health care in this country. It's time that government stop abusing its most vulnerable people–the sick and the weak. It is time that our politicians stand up for what is right and not for what is profitable or status quo.

Sign our Avaaz petition and help let our wannabe leaders know that they must be accountable. Help us promote the truth about this innocent plant.


News Hawk- Truth Seeker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Joy Davies
Contact: Contact Us | Georgia Straight
Website: Joy Davies: Your voice can support a B.C. medical cannabis program | Georgia Straight
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