420 Magazine Photo of the Month: November 2023

Amnesia Trance - 4 photo

Our Photo of the Month contest is all about the quality of an individual photo. It is judged on composition, lighting, creativity, originality and general quality.

We love showcasing 420 Magazine cultivators’ photography, so we provided this platform for entrants to share their photos and cultivate some creative expression. Originality and creativity are given preference over recycled images and ideas.

This November’s winning photo is an extraordinarily colorful photo of Amnesia Trance, taken by member MicroGrowerMan. Congratulations – and thank you for sharing this terrific photo!

MicroGrowerMan picks up a bunch of excellent prizes thanks to our sponsors who support this contest.

First Place
420 Magazine420 Magazine Lighter420 Magazine Magnet420 Magazine Stickers
Foods AliveOrganic Toasted Hemp Seeds
Sierra Natural ScienceSNS-217 Spider Mite Control – 1 Quart Mix Pouch
MagicStoneMagicStone Alchemy

Second Place
420 Magazine420 Magazine Lighter420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Third Place
420 Magazine420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Congratulations again, MicroGrowerMan. Thank you for your terrific photograph.