:thumb: I filed my complaint against X-Chief Kevin P. Gleason of Holland Mass., & Sgt. Scott E. Haley of Palmer Mass. District at the BANGOR,MAINE FBI Office. The information was then sent to the SPRINGFIELD FBI. They contacted me for my exact claims against the police. Below is my answer letter to the FBI outlining my exact allegations against these officers and the Eastern Hampton County Narcotic Task Force. I have been very open about my charges against the police and if I'M lying that is SLANDER. The police will never arrest me for slander because I am telling the truth and they are lying. Kind of clear cut, if any person committed perjury and manufactured false evidence, they would be arrested. I guess it's ok when the cops do it...

To: FBI, 1441 Main St., 8th Floor, Springfield, Ma,01103 Attn: Duty Agent,
cc. Richard DesLauriers - Special Agent in Charge
cc.SSRA Mark Karangekis Senior Special Resident Agent
Thank you for getting back to me. I will do my best to keep this short, but there is a lot to look at here.
I am asking for an investigation on Special Agent/Sgt Scott E. Haley for perjury & civil rights violations on the affidavit used to raid my family home on March 27, 2003, as well as in the sworn deposition dated 5-30-08 No.: 12238-kpn.
Enclosed is the affidavit used to get the warrant on our home, and copies of my medical records showing me in the hospital on those dates. These three claims that I sold marijuana to C.I. #62 are acts of perjury on the affidavit by Special Agent Scott E. Haley, who signed off on the affidavit.
If you remove these three false marijuana sales and look at the affidavit, nothing else in it is illegal. It states that my politics were well known in town, that was true, I am loud about my opinions. The affidavit also was fluffed out with newspaper clippings of a pro marijuana demonstration I was involved with, but protesting is not an illegal act, or a good reason for a SWAT raid. In the press releases distributed by Chief Kevin P. Gleason it stated the police also used a letter to the editor that I wrote as some of the basis of the raid. Writing a letter to the editor is not illegal. These acts are the basis of my claim of civil rights violations.
I am asking for an investigation on how Gerald Battistoni a/k/a C.I. #62 was used on the affidavit to get the no knock warrant used March 27, 2003.
The identity of the C.I.#62 was revealed to me by Private Detective Dan Malley, who discovered his connection as a Confidential Informant with the Palmer Police while working on a different case. Gerald Battistoni is C.I.#62. I never met this man and only know of him because of the way his C.I. number was used on the affidavit. (note) in Haleys deposition, he states the informant gave him information on my health and that I had tubes and stuff sticking out of my arms prior to the raid. This is a direct easy to prove lie as my hospital records show I had no tubes, IVs, or anything else sticking out of my arms prior to the raid and was in the hospital having the operation the same time they were signing the warrant.
I am asking for an investigation on Chief (no more) Kevin P. Gleason for perjury on the deposition taken on 5-6-08 No.:12238-KPN.
In this deposition Kevin P. Gleason lies about the three marijuana buys to back up Haleys perjury.
On 12-22-04 my wife Judy Bunn and daughter Christena Dodge were summoned into court to face charges of simple possession as a result of this raid on 3-27-03. I was never charged. The police would not expose the identity of the C.I. #62 and could not provide any bagged marijuana evidence of the alleged sales. The evidence the police did present was made up of three Xerox copies of the money they alleged was used in the sales, and 3 chain of possession of evidence forms, signed by Agent Scott E. Haley. This evidence was refused by the court and all charges were dropped in August, 2005.
I am asking for an investigation of the manufactured evidence provided to the court signed by Agent Scott E. Haley.
On March 28th & 29th of 2003 the police came back about a dog complaint and a Board of Health complaint saying our dog killed a cat and our toilet didn't flush. The police had a 4 page report on the alleged dog attack but did not want to inspect the dog when they came out. There was no attack, we had cats and the dog slept with the kittens. I should mention that the police did not have any notes on an alleged 6 week drug investigation that resulted in a SWAT raid. No C.I. logs, no requests for cash for controlled buys, nothing but a hand written scrap of paper telling the best days to come buy pot from me, and drawings of the layout of the house that were not even correct.
I would like an investigation into the police procedure used in this case. It appears this was an attempt to steal my land by conspiracy under the cover of a trumped up drug raid. Peter Frei of Holland Mass runs a web page where he has documented the illegal land deals and corruption in Holland Mass. You will find it all posted on his web site.
I am asking that these police officers are charged with the crimes they committed against my family. Had I not had the documentation of being in the hospital, these police might have been able to sail their lies past a jury and I could have gone to jail and lost my property. As it was we were chased out of town by the police and sold the property at a loss.
I think this is just the tip of the iceberg and you will find a lot more when you look at the Holland Land deals.
Thank you for your time in this, please contact me if you need to.


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