This Plant is not a Weed

Ok so I spent alot of time typing what I thought was a hell of a blog. It was accidentally erased b4 I could post. So I'm gonna be blunt and get to the point and I really could give 2 shits if u like it or not.

Cannabis is by definition an herb or plant to say the least, not a weed. Although the widely accepted name for the plant is weed, that it is not. Here's the definition from a widely trusted, respected, and accepted source (I c no need for citation here. The link to source posted below):"
    * Main Entry: 1weed
    * Pronunciation: 
    * Function: noun
    * Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weed, herb; akin to Old Saxon wiod weed
    * Date: before 12th century

1 a (1) : a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants
There are other definitions that don't apply, although I learned that tobacco products are also called weed. Here's a link for anyone who desires to see if they can find any contrary info in other definitions > weed - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Cannabis is definitely "of value". I have yet to see,read, and/or speak to some1 about ecological shifts due to the invasion of wild cannabis. One would think that this would be the case down south and mid-western states where industrial hemp was most recently farmed, I think (recently farmed meaning one of the last areas used b4 prohibition). Any1 ever hear of or have a problem with hemp/wild cannabis (with very low thc levels, not suitable for medicinal use to handle the myriad of patients ails) invade their native plants or crops? Its really cut and dry to me so I'll try not to ramble. Here's my point. Cannabis, weed, bud, or whatever moniker suits ur tongue is actually an herb. Here's the definition
    * Main Entry: herb
    * Pronunciation: US also & British usually 
    * Function: noun
    * Usage: often attributive
    * Etymology: Middle English herbe, from Anglo-French, from Latin herba
    * Date: 14th century

1 : a seed-producing annual, biennial, or perennial that does not develop persistent woody tissue but dies down at the end of a growing season
2 : a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities
3 slang : marijuana 2
Funny how its says slang for marijuana on this definition and not the other, LOL. Any how the only logical refutation I can see coming is about the woodsy tissue part. Cannabis (specifically out doors does have a woodsy looking stalk/trunk, See Dirtfarmer's Backyard Giants>Dirtfamers Backyard Giants thread as a reference post #64. The purpose of this site to my understanding is to spread cannabis awareness. Not learn what u can and run with it.Too many people log on ask a couple questions and r seldom ever seen again. If ur here, reading this right now, U've already taken the first step.U are reading and learning right now. We must educate ourselves b4 we can educate others and its a process.1st is enlightenment or an idea. Next u act on the idea and begin to search. After search (if done correctly) u should have a plethora of resources to sift thru and compare info to discern fact from theory. Next u study, internalize it. Now comes the hard part, passing the message. U can tell someone, but if ur approach is wrong ur words most likely will fall upon def ears. In order to circumvent the masses of DEA followers and propaganda aficionados their ears need to be prepared for the message. Similar to how John the Baptist was said to be a forerunner for Jesus. He is credited (by some theological minds) for paving the way or preparing the people for Jesus' coming. Our cause is no different structurally. When I see people refer to this herb as "a weed", (I'm gonna be me here for a sec) shit just sounds ignorant as fuck!! And honestly it bothers me. It bothers me to see people come here and ask dumb ass redundant questions that a simple search of the threads could've solved. Most people are just lazy, I can relate. But lazy and not willing to educate urslef B4 u try to educate others, IMO u are a waste of words. The people who have been here a while and don't have "new member" by their name need to use the search tool and do some real research. There's really no excuse. There's way more to herb than just bud, hash smoking, and edibles. Honestly I think if our advocates dropped the medical marijuana initiative and push the industrial hemp initiative 1st we'd make more headway faster economically as well as politically. Once hemp passes then come back for the MMJ. Only reason MMJ is here now the way it is is because outsiders are interested in the money. Industrial hemp can be approached the same way. Commercializing it would be a good thing. Commercializing MMJ, bad (look at the pharmaceutical industries death grip on the health care system.) Herb will always be with us, legal or illegal I'm smoking. But this hemp thing is another story another blog. Much respect to Jack Herer, a real cannabis warrior. The Emperor Wears No Clothes is turning into an interesting read. Back to the weed thing. Simply put its fits the herb definition much better. It produces seed and its an annual plant that typically dies at the end of the growing season. By some medical scientists and foreign authorities it is medicinal. If ur a doubter or naysayer, google Sativex which was produced and marketed in Spain 1st, as an inhaler I believe.Marinol doesn't count, its synthetic. To cannabis opponents, get with it or get away from it. Don't try to dictate to us how, when, why, and how much to use or posses. Me, I'ma do me regardless and so should you. Real shit. Think I got it all out.Wish u coulda read the 1st blog I typed. Thanks for reading.


Hey there -

Interesting post you've made, but I don't exactly agree with it. Your definition of a "herb" is entirely your perception based on your culture. You reference God and the DEA, which is American Culture. Marijuana in this part of the world can be considered a herb, yes, and in other parts it is considered a religious ceremonial plant, but in other parts it is most certainly a weed. It consumes MANY nutrients, it produces large, fan like shading leaves, the plants get HUGE (up to 16 feet tall AND wide) and there root systems suck water, taking it from surrounding plants.

My reference was specifically to a Moroccan person I knew - pot grows there rampant in the ditches - you drive right by it all the time. They just don't have a use for it, therefore it is a weed. They don't even consider it a crop plant. Much the same that some Asians consider cats fair game for food, but we wouldn't even consider eating them.

Also, weed was called weed back when it looked like a bunch a weeds in a bag. It wasn't anything like the sensimilla that goes around today. Thanks for the read!
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LOL my definition is based upon the dictionary which i guess has cultural influence . I wouldn't say a perception, more like a widely accepted definition. Now as for this Moroccan person, I dunno who u know but Morocco has a large hash making community. Cannabis is definitely a valued plant there. That's kind of a flimsy claim IMO based upon one persons perspective. That's like me saying I hate Obama and a foreigner interpreting it to mean that all Americans hate the president. Was this person in a hash making region or have an in depth knowledge of cannabis or cannabis culture? . I live in one of the American cannabis "Meccas", I'm confident in my claims. I have gone to school for this, so in order to debunk one of my claims I think it'll take a little work/research. I don't tend to post much based upon whims and assumptions. I don't claim to know everything but u literally have to prove me wrong (in my claims), be prepared for debate (if u nave no facts I won't entertain a debate), or just ignore me altogether. If u have proof of ur claims by all means please present it. Now I can see hemp being viewed as a weed (by people that don't realize its one of the most industrial versatile plants on the planet), and maybe ruderallis, but the other cannabis species.....NEVER HEARD ANYONE disregard its value in any culture. Please support ur statements. Thanks for reading. :peace: Oh yeah, if u can get a hold of a copy grab a copy of Jack Herer's The Emperor Wears no Clothes. U can order easily online. It may change ur perspective, may not.
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