Recent content by H2OGanjaFarmr

  1. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    Thanks all... I shouldn't have even started with that guy, he talked me into it and I've had nothing but disappointment since... At least I have my other grow room... :) That's all I have to look forward to now. H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  2. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    Okay... Sorry it's been so long since I've been on, or updated you. Problems in paradise... After we switched over to the generator I started going over there every day... well I skipped three days of going over and was calling him to make sure everything was going well. As you probably have...
  3. H2OGanjaFarmr

    The VipersNest Continuous

    I know what you mean... usually I jump on once or twice a day and I'm at least a page or two behind... haven't been on for a couple days and I was like 3 posts behind... LOL... How's things going Pit? H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  4. H2OGanjaFarmr

    The VipersNest Continuous

    Why not? IDK... he said 3,000 for one box and two would run an american house that would mean 4 for a really nice size grow room... I'd pay 12,000 and pay less for gas than I'd pay in electric and not have the electric company know how much I'm using... LOL... He's supposed able to get the...
  5. H2OGanjaFarmr

    The VipersNest Continuous

    :biglaugh: :biglaugh: You could probably run 3 or 4 Super Penetrators with that... :) Seriously though... I hope they release them on the market soon. H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  6. H2OGanjaFarmr

    The VipersNest Continuous

    I'm not waiting 5-10 years... I'm renting a semi and heading over to Ebay to borrow the ones on the lawn... who's with me... LOL. I could power a whole sh*tload of lights with those... :) Even using natural gas you'd probably save a whole lot of cash and wouldn't be dependant of the electric...
  7. H2OGanjaFarmr

    The VipersNest Continuous

    1. It's a prefference... if you're just going to get one light my prefference for vegging and flowering is HID or microwave plasma sulfur... LOL. I use T5HO for mothers and clones... I believe most growers would agree. You could use T5HO for vegging but it wouldn't be optimal for flowering...
  8. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    Awesome Bro... Will do... :) H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  9. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    Hell, when he said his electric got shut off due to non payment I thought... Hrm, maybe I'll pay and get it turned on just to finish the ladies off, then he told me it was 3800 he was past due. That thought went right out the window... LMAO. H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  10. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    I love my ladies... I wouldn't let them be mistreated due to some Jack Ass not paying his electric bill... LOL. H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  11. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    Yeah... Just Barely... LOL. H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  12. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    :thankyou: :peacetwo: H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
  13. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    He had better come up with some money to at least get the electric company to kick the lights back on for a couple months... otherwise that gas for the generator is going to eat up all of his cash... LOL. By my calculations that thing is going to cost like $30 a day in gas to run. It is a...
  14. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    EMERGENCY UPDATE: Well, unbenounced to me my Jack Ass "partner", didn't pay his electric bill, they actually let it get up to $3,800 before shuting it off. I "" partner cause I don't consider him much of a partner, my plants are at his place and he pays the electric, that was the deal anyway...
  15. H2OGanjaFarmr

    H2OGanjaFarmr's Large Closet Grow - 2010

    Oh believe me... I thought of the possibilities... LMAO. H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
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