The VipersNest Continuous

the journal isn't too long, it's epic length, chaulked full of info. More good words and pics for us to read. I fret everytime I hear somebody say it's too long because I'm afraid I'll log on and see us on page 1, and all the rest of this hard work will be washed away, labeled as "archaic bulk"...which would suck.
buy a real burner...f**ck tanks...been there and done that 25 years ago when I first dabbled
who wants to deal with baking soda? NOT ME.

Hey PV you left this post in "Stinkfinger's" journal. Just curious as to what are the advantages of a Co2 burner over a tank? Does the propane tank last longer than the Co2 tank?
the real deal is if you have NG. Mine is piped in. 30lb propane tanks are common but I like what I got. Thats the easiest.
I dont know how long a 30lb propane tank lasts vs a tank of co2. I tried co2 along time ago and was disgusted after 5 tanks
If you have natural gas, how do you go about using a burner to supplement co2 for your grow? I have natural gas and would be interested in learning about this.. I know the benefits of using co2, but I never wanted to get into co2 tanks and all of that hassle.
If you have natural gas, how do you go about using a burner to supplement co2 for your grow? I have natural gas and would be interested in learning about this.. I know the benefits of using co2, but I never wanted to get into co2 tanks and all of that hassle.

I run my generator (heater) 15 mins out of every hr..lights on only. when I get around to buying a controller I will use that one or one from CAP
I tried co2 along time ago and was disgusted after 5 tanks

Ah yes, for anyone that is considering going the tank route, consider again going the generator route....

Straight from the Schmuck that's doing the tank route right now!

Sign me, disgusted too!
Initial cost is prohibitive right now looks like, but maybe that will go down.

What I would like to see is the solar cells or other free energy source driving a hydrogen generation station that feeds your fuel added is water.

Then we can talk. :grinjoint:

Yes, for the time being. Probably why he is focusing on larger businesses intially. Need to get the business up and running first. But imagine the untapped potential if applied to the automotive industry. Electric vehicle are much more efficient if you can eliminate the batteries. Instead of hundreds of miles on a tank, perhaps you could travel thousands. But in any case, I would love to be one step closer to decentralized power distribution.
Honestly man.

In addition to this thread, I don't know how the hell you keep track of everything that going on and needs to be done.

Ups to the Nest!


PS. You mentioned an outdoor grow previously? Coming soon?

well it helps that we are two peeps:reading420magazine:
picking up the new reflector this weekend....still waiting for the balast to come back.
gotta move the LED to a closet so I can put some mothers in
Pit, here's the solution to every growers energy problem. Hope this one gets to market soon, and at the price he quotes.

The Bloom Box - 60 Minutes - CBS News

I will have one planted in my front yard, only I want mine to look like the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I'm not waiting 5-10 years...
I'm renting a semi and heading over to Ebay to borrow the ones on the lawn... who's with me... LOL. I could power a whole sh*tload of lights with those... :) Even using natural gas you'd probably save a whole lot of cash and wouldn't be dependant of the electric company... we all know how dependable they are. I'd buy 4 of those little boxes now if they'd let me. I really hope it works out for that company.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
don't hold your breath....not all that viable

Why not?

Initial cost is prohibitive right now looks like, but maybe that will go down.


IDK... he said 3,000 for one box and two would run an american house that would mean 4 for a really nice size grow room... I'd pay 12,000 and pay less for gas than I'd pay in electric and not have the electric company know how much I'm using... LOL... He's supposed able to get the cost down... hell 1/2 would be amazing... IDK... I think this actually has potential.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
Pit, here's the solution to every growers energy problem. Hope this one gets to market soon, and at the price he quotes.

Why risk it all for a few dollars? I never understood big growers tapping the line. All your hard work up in smoke as soon as you are caught....and you will be caught.

grow effecient....not illegally. Just balancing the load can reduce power bills.
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