The VipersNest Continuous


Here is a picture of the SLH.
I cant even find my own shit guys........soon im going to put it in chapters....when I find the time

hey Pit. speaking of shit you had to look through, I asked you to check out a weird deformed plant, u asked for pics, I botched the process up and that was the end of it...anyway, I kept the plant and I think I know what's up:
it had even numbered leaf fingers which was weird., and the leaves were all turning around upon themselves... but then around the 5th node or so (haven't counted but close), the main stem split just EXACTLY as if it were cropped or pinched or something (I did absolutely nothing to it at all), and the leaf fingers became odd, everything worked out. I think it was genetically doubled up at the base but split up and evened out...anyway, it's female and growing nice little buds and looking great (nowhere near as big as the other 3 from the same lot but heck it's growing 2 stems so it deserves a break).
sorry, I forgot you get like 0987w34iruhe of these kind of messages a day and it must erode your interest after awhile. maybe I'll take another stab at uploading some pics soon...
PitViper said:
I cant even find my own shit guys........soon im going to put it in chapters....when I find the time

If take the time to go through the whole thing again and save links to the key section, I'll edit these into the first post or you could start a blog that's perpetually editable - as a table of contents.

right click on the permalink and copy - this will ensure the hyperlink you create is pointed exactly at that post
hey P.V awesome perpetual journal. I just finished reading it from the first page and I'm going over it again so I can take some notes. I'm in the process of building my grow room and I have a few questions for you and anyone else that might be able to give me some advice.

1: Which lights to use? Hid or T5h0 for veg and flowering? I've been reading other journals where they have used the t5h0 for both veg and flowering and it seemed to work well. Just curious which one would produce the best bud. I would like to purchase one type of light for both cycles.

2:I read in your journal that you use Co2, but that you also run your 75 can filter 24/7. Does the Co2 cycle threw the filter or do you turn off the blower when you start pumping the Co2 in the room? If you do turn off the blower how long do you leave it off?

Once again awesome journal, and thanks for all the time and research you've put in to helping us out.
hey P.V awesome perpetual journal. I just finished reading it from the first page and I'm going over it again so I can take some notes. I'm in the process of building my grow room and I have a few questions for you and anyone else that might be able to give me some advice.

1: Which lights to use? Hid or T5h0 for veg and flowering? I've been reading other journals where they have used the t5h0 for both veg and flowering and it seemed to work well. Just curious which one would produce the best bud. I would like to purchase one type of light for both cycles.

2:I read in your journal that you use Co2, but that you also run your 75 can filter 24/7. Does the Co2 cycle threw the filter or do you turn off the blower when you start pumping the Co2 in the room? If you do turn off the blower how long do you leave it off?

Once again awesome journal, and thanks for all the time and research you've put in to helping us out.

1. It's a prefference... if you're just going to get one light my prefference for vegging and flowering is HID or microwave plasma sulfur... LOL. I use T5HO for mothers and clones... I believe most growers would agree. You could use T5HO for vegging but it wouldn't be optimal for flowering... IMO.

2. The CO2 cycles through the filter and is uneffected... the filter only takes odors out...

Pit, Haven't had anything to say for awhile so I thought I'd take this one... LOL

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
Hey Pit... could you give me a page range to look, where I might be able to read about your Super Lemon Haze harvest?? Too many pages for me to check, and I'm sure your tired of being asked the same questions over and over again.

I think I might be able to make a "cliff notes" type guide for you.

Or even better.....have Pit Viper do an audio tape.
I grow plants ok and edit my threads less than ok. I really never thought the thread would be that large....its too big for alot of people to read thru...its too big for me to bother looking stuff up sometimes. Soniq and I are going to put an index of sorts in there...rather he is going to. Ive started saving chapter points and points of interest. I did a best of pics thread which turned out pretty cool. Its a work in progress
on another topic....the clone in the table havent keeled over yet. We had a power loss of several hrs...they said it would be 24 hrs. had to go into mild panic mode. Fortuneately it was only 5 hrs being down and nothing missed a beat.
transplanted some soil clones...some arent going to make the cut due to them not having a good root structure compared to the others. Ordering some seeds today...Barneys *SD and Reserva Priv Purple Wreck...found 1 co that had it
1. It's a prefference... if you're just going to get one light my prefference for vegging and flowering is HID or microwave plasma sulfur... LOL. I use T5HO for mothers and clones... I believe most growers would agree. You could use T5HO for vegging but it wouldn't be optimal for flowering... IMO.

2. The CO2 cycles through the filter and is uneffected... the filter only takes odors out...

Pit, Haven't had anything to say for awhile so I thought I'd take this one... LOL

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:

I'm going to pipe in here as well for my own clarification. I have had this question as well. I believe kief is under the impression that Pit exhausts his room with the scrubber. If you use your scrubber to exhaust (vent outside) indeed it does remove any Co2 you add to the environment. From what I can tell from photos Pits scrubber simply recirculates inside the room. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks, NEF
Got some of that PW myself...and you'll love the hippy liquid strain. Two very distinct phenos. 1 sat dom that grows tall, leggy and heavy with bud and one ind dom that stays squat, branchy and has ridonkulous trich coverage. It's going to be great to watch you do them.
on another topic....the clone in the table havent keeled over yet. We had a power loss of several hrs...they said it would be 24 hrs. had to go into mild panic mode. Fortuneately it was only 5 hrs being down and nothing missed a beat...

I use to have the same issue, so I set keep a back up light source via Battery kept away in a closet. I started doing this after I had a couple plant herm on me a few years back, due to the power issues. And have had to use it a couple times over the years. Trust me, it makes me feel better that it there, even though I dont use it much. I just hope some of this story or suggestion helps you out or gives you an idea. Not that you need help w/ any.
I'm going to pipe in here as well for my own clarification. I have had this question as well. I believe kief is under the impression that Pit exhausts his room with the scrubber. If you use your scrubber to exhaust (vent outside) indeed it does remove any Co2 you add to the environment. From what I can tell from photos Pits scrubber simply recirculates inside the room. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks, NEF

to clarify....I have a closed system...I pump gas in and the scrubber just run 24/7 w/o ducting.
Hey H20 thanks for the response, I thought that the carbon filter might dissipate the extra Co2 in the air. Thanks for the info on which light to choose. I read "heavyherbs", and a few others journal, and it seemed possible that a T5ho could be used for vegging and the bloom cycle. Thanks for the helpful advice.

its too big for alot of people to read thru..
Hells ya this journal is huge. I read threw it from page one and have taken down notes with the page and post number so I can go back and use it as a reference point.
I knew you ran a closed system. I plan on making my bloom and veg room the same.
Once again thanks for all the work you've put in and for taking the time out to include us in your trials and errors.
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