• are you the Mars Lighting rep? looking to upgrade my lights and I'm just getting starting research. i bought 3 cheap light from amazon and really don't know much about led lights. i have a 4x8x8 tent to flower in and a 4x4x8 tent for babies. i figured i needed 2 lights for the flower tent and 1 for the babies. i don't have a lot of $$$ but i'm not a miser either. i would like a middle of the road light that's not the cheapest or not the most expensive. being im getting a lot of help from this page id like to support the sponsors. and if i can buy local from grow shops here in oklahoma, thats cool too. thanks for any suggestions.
    Hi Emilya, it's a pleasure to have you existing :cheesygrinsmiley:! No really I've been simply impressed by your knowledge, your way of writing and explaining things makes it easy to learn and how welcoming to share your knowledge and mistakes, it's pretty amazing.
    I'm very new in growing and basically nothing survived under my hands but few cactuses lol, still I never stop trying. Growing needs discipline and that's what I'm learning from these plants, I love them so much that I have to say I tried my best .
    I can't stop reading your journals nor your share in solving other growers problems, its allot of knowledge that you simplify it, you put it in a way that makes it make sense. If that makes sense . I have a lot to learn and a lot to catch up on.

    Thank you for all.
    All I can say is wow!! I just found this forum and you. I feel like life just became easier. I have a couple questions if you don't mind. I'm about to start my first soil grow. Autoflowers. I have already mixed 2 cu ft of ffhf and 1.5 cu ft of ffof. I was wondering what amendments to add to take my grow start to finish. I also seen your post about watering, and was wondering what size pots to start in, and how many times to transplant, to what size pots? Thank you for your wisdom.
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    Thank you, Sooo much!!!
    Sorry one other thing would you use those nutes at 1/4th strength to start?
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    no, I do not believe in bro-science... or the science (advice) that comes from the online world. Most of what you hear regarding advice like this is simply someone trying to sound important. FoxFarm is a well developed system made to all work together to grow the best pot possible. If the scientists there wanted you to take whatever recommendations they give you and cut them down by 1/2 or even to 1/4 their recommended strength, they would have mentioned that in their extensive online instructions. The FF company has no incentive to give you bad directions, expecting you to make decisions like this on your own. If your grow fails due to their instructions, you would never buy their products again. They want you to succeed, so they publish feeding schedules that carefully adjust the strength and mix of their products depending on which week of the grow you are in. They expect you to use those values, not something that some online expert thinks is better. In my experience, trusting FoxFarms labs allowed me to grow the best pot I had ever grown to that point. My recommendation is to follow their directions, to the letter.
    Hi Emilya, I've recently been reading through all your info which is fantastic by the way. It was like a bulb flicked on in my head when reading your stuff. I believe I've been watering too often and drowning my lower roots. I'm in the stage of trying to rectify this by letting them completely dry out. The thing is they've not had anything now for 4 day and don't think they will have dried out by tomorrow either. Do you suggest pouring 2 cups like I've seen somewhere in one of your replies evenly over the top or just preserving with nothing till they are completely bone dry. I'm 5 weeks in with stunted growth and yellow droopy leaves in 15 litre pots? Any advice would be great and I really appreciate all the info you give out. Thanks again
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi Weston86, and yes, I would recommend after 5 days, giving a little bit of water to the top set of spreader roots. I would suggest no more than a quart, the goal being to feed the top set of roots only, to about 3 to 4 inches deep. This will quickly be drawn up into the plant and will not contribute the the level of the water table down below. Continue this every 5 days until the lift method informs you that the water weight is now gone from the container. At that point, slowly and completely water the container to runoff, and then wait to see if you have synced up the top and the bottom yet. As soon as your complete wet/dry cycle has approached 5 days, you will be able to stop this 2 stage watering and from then on work with the wet/dry cycle of the container. Glad to see those light bulbs come on in response to my writing! Let me know when this new method solves your droopy yellow leaves problem!
    Thank you again. Your awesome
    hello, Just wanted to give you a update, after I transplanted my plants they still are showing some signs of burning. It has just started looking burned on the next set of leaves. The new growth still looks healthy and good. I just transplanted them late friday evening so it's only been about 3.5 days. what do you think? Thanks
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Unless you transplanted into some very hot soil or compost, it is very rare for this to burn the plants. I think I want to see a picture of this before I comment... it sounds like there might be something else going on.
    Thank you, unfortunately I had the 3 gallon pots already and I got in a hurry because I wanted to get these plants up potted before they went too far south. I am not really worried because these are some seeds a friend gave me to hone my growing skills before I transplant my "good" seedlings that I ordered from the seed bank. Not saying these babies are not good, they are a strain a friend crossed with higher cbd but I am really looking forward to my fem. seedlings coming along. I have some pics of them right before transplant but I do not know how to send them?
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    you can't send pictures on profile postings. 3 gallon is not a huge crisis, just water carefully for a while until you get the roots to spread out.
    I will post in my original post. thanks
    Hello, do you think I will be OK up potting into three gallon pots or should I go into one gallon pots? Also should I use Mycorrhiza when I transplant? Thanks.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Yes, always add myco around the old rootball as you add it to the new soil to promote root growth into the new areas. I recommend going to the 1 gallon stage first, this is not a race. Your goal is to then fill up that gallon container with roots while being able to closely monitor the wet/dry cycle. When that container gets to the point that it can drain the container in 24-48 hours, it will then be time to once again triple the space around her and move up to 3 gallon with yet another infusion of fresh nutritious soil around them, and more myco. Successive uppotting gives you much better chances of proper nutrition and root growth than just suddenly putting them in a container too large right in the beginning. Lots of people believe that autos should not be transplanted, but I totally disagree with this lazy practice and loss of water cycle control.
    Hello emilya, Thanks for the help with my grow, I definitely know you are a experienced and active grower! I have read several of your post. I welcome any and all help you have to offer. Also thanks for what you contribute to the forum!
    Hi Emilya, Buds Buddy from Cannabis.Com. Thought I'd try this site you recommended. Looks pretty kool to me. Lot's of topics you don't see on other sites. I've got some reading to do ...lol. Just wanted to say Hi & Thanks for introducing me to this site.
    Take Care & Happy Growing.
    Hi emilya. Well i cant get wappa to stop yellowing and ive doubled her intake of nutes a week now. Am i missing something here. Ph is good so i no its not lockout. And shes 5 weeks into flower.
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    at this stage of flower, nitrogen is not even considered a macronutrient, but it could be a lack of potassium, phosphorus and calcium. I will look at the pictures and make any additional comments necessary.
    Ok cause she gets 1 tbl of calmag per gallon. Should i give her a pk boost. I havent done that yet
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    see the comment on your thread... I think it is pH causing this.
    Hi @Emilya ! I’m trying to help a friend get his indoor garden set up, and I’m pretty new to this myself. He was asking about this Soil³ Organic Humus Compost Benefits | Soil³
    and i know you are highly regarded for your knowledge of all things soil. Any thoughts on the hummus compost? Thanks!
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi Kenney, it is good stuff but only for what it is intended. This is not a complete soil full of minerals and other amendments that would allow a nutrient hungry blooming plant like our weeds to thrive all through the growing period. This soil would be great for the veg stage and then woefully inadequate when it came to the bloom stage. Do a search for organic living soil made for cannabis and you will see the difference just in mineral content. Organic and living organic are two different things.
    Great! Thank you so much!
    I would like to text emilya dm but dont know how
    Waiting for ph testers, tomorrow should be here..day before yesterday i tryed morning water half litre each and evening feed, doesnt look to get better unless needs more time
    I never had excess water in the tray, maybe i dont water them enough, but for example the top of the hydro system is always moistured, i can see it clear, and if i check inside is quiet wet as well
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    pH adjusting is very important, and you are probably way off. That will become more and more important the bigger they get. Then, you need to stop watering so often. When you do water, water them until you get about 20% runoff, or in other words, fill your drip tray. This will clear built up salts out of the canna terra mix. Then, sit on your hands and do nothing until the plant uses all of that water. You must allow oxygen to be pulled all the way down to the bottom of that container by letting the water table fall to around an inch from the bottom. You can lift the container and feel when it gets to be that light. At this point the plant will be deliriously happy and will have all of its leaves pointing up toward the light. If your leaves are drooping, you are doing something wrong, and usually it is keeping the lower roots under water that upsets our plants. You are running an interesting system... in ways it is hydro, but in other ways it must be run as if it were soil.
    Hi!! It’s a pleasure being here and there seem to be an awful lot of people willing to help. I’m on my first grow and have a question about transplanting. My 2 seeds sprouted above the soil just several days ago. I’ve been doing a ton of reading since then, and now realized I should have put my autos in a smaller pot then transplanted to the final 5 gallon pot they are in now. Is it too late to move them back in to a smaller pot, then move AGAIN back to the 5 gallon? Thanks!
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Sorry I missed this cphil, my apologies. You probably have this resolved by now and have gotten a ton of advice on the matter. My belief is that to maximize root ball development you must successively uppot from small to larger containers, several times throughout the grow. I hope this is what you eventually decided to do, and I will see if I can look in and see if you have solved this dilema already.
    No worries, all good!! I ended up just leaving them in the 5gal pots. I read and heard back from several people that trying to transplant autos can be a little tricky and detrimental, especially with such a fast life span. I might try it in future grows, however.
    Hi Emilya great read thanks i have one question if thats ok what type of water is best i know this sounds dumb but here in Australia cant use tap water,chlorine RO is out so I'm left with rain water or bottled spring water what would you use
    VIPARSPECTRA Reflector 600W LED

    Is this Led light ok for an indoor grow? Like 1x1 space (4-5 plants)
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