• Hey emilya , hope you doing well .
    Actually i always have a big confusion when ever i want to make a grow medium for cannabis or my veggies ☹
    *First : how should i make a good medium for my plant ?!
    I have : organic composed + coco + perlite + yard’s dirts.
    Do you have a suggestion for mixing these?
    *second : my composed ph fixed by 5 -6.5 as the factory details, if i mix my composed with coco , what will happens to the ph range? Dose it change?
    My tap water ph is 7.5
    How can i adjust the ph after mixing composed with coco? I mean what ph number should i adjust for my water to feed my pots? Sorry for my weak language skills ☹

    And last one : one of my autos have a very slow growth , i set the water ph around 6.4
    To feed her , i think its bcz of coco mix ph that i mix in my composed making disorders , so how can i measure my medium ph? Too many problems ☹️
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    if you want your grow to act more like a hydro grow and operate in that lower pH range, make your mix 70% coco. If you wish to run it as soil, operating in the lower 6.2-6.8 range, make your mix 70% soil and compost.
    Hey Emilya I watched a video today were a grower with plants in their last stages of flower watered with cold water,
    Drilled through the main stem, and kept the plant in total darkness for 48 before harvest, this was all in an effort to make the plants produce more trichomes. Would this really work ? Here's a link k to the video
    Hello emilya , thanks for all knowledges that you are kindly share with growers.
    I need a guide for order new yummies for my ladies .
    Actually there is a few well known brands in my country like “General hydroponics” and “Biobizz” , i was thinking to receive a suggestions from you about the package that i need to have a successful growth of my lovely Ladies.
    Like Suggestions about : biobizz all mix - light mix - fertilizers
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    I really don't know a lot about most of the nutrient lines. I have lots of experience with Fox Farms and their stuff, and recently I experimented with MegaCrop, but other than that I have been mostly and organic gardener and tried as hard as I could not to have to buy commercial nutrients. Especially in a country where it is hard to source these things, I would investigate organic growing. Once you have a minerally enriched soil built, you can use it over and over again, with very little additional nutrient needed. If you check out my links, I show you how to make a wonderful all around natural nutrient, out of dandylions... There are many many ways to grow this plant.
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    I will read it for sure ❤️
    Orlando Scout
    Orlando Scout
    I know you didn’t ask me but figured I would throw my 2 cents in there anyways lol. I’ve ran Advanced Nutes, MegaCrop, and FoopBioscience and out of the 3 my go to is FoopBioScience it’s all organic hand raised talapia poop lol. MegaCrop is another good option I just couldn’t seem to dial it in. Hope this atleast helps you a little bit in your journey! Take care!!!
    Hi Miss Emilya, I like your straight forward approach. I want to grow in coco which will be my first time. I want to do it on a budget
    with what I have. Organic bone meal 4-12-0, organic chicken manure 3-2-3, Horticultral lime, Azomite, Epsom salt, Perlite, Pre washed coco coir 11 gal. brick, I also have 2 cu. ft. of Pro Mix, 432 watt T5 light, and Super thrive with kelp. I will be growing two strains Sugar cookies and Do-si-do. Do you think I can pull this off with what I have. Thanks in advance.
    P.S In the process of purchasing a 600 watt Hps light.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    no, I do not believe that this will work. Coco is not organic and organic materials will not be processesed correctly without living microbes... and microbes will not live in your coco, and even if they could, once they processed the raw nutrients, coco does not have the ability to latch onto those nutrients and hold them for the plant as soil does. It is not a complete and sustainable ecosystem in coco, but take all of your materials and put them in soil... let that cook for a couple of months in a compost pile, and then you will have something special. Your first time, I recommend soil anyway... why take on the additional learning curve of coco when you could get your feet wet with plain old soil. Or, just use coco as it is intended, as a hydro system with external nutes... but trying to pull off some sort of hybrid operation on your first run... well, it just doesn't go well for a lot of people, and no, you were not the first with this idea.
    I Miss Emilya. Heard you're an expert! Please look at my last post and tell me your opinion. Do you thing I ought to flush them?:(:(
    Thanks and have a nice day XRey
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    no... I think that you must be using water way too aggressively for your plants to have the problems they do... please answer the questions I gave you on your thread and I will try to help.
    Hi Sorry for the delay. Too late, I have flushed them, I cut the yellow leaves and look at the result after 48 hours!
    Hello, I see how knowledgeable you are and was wondering if maybe you could help me out with mine. Still currently under veg state since Dec 1st, had a break on the main stem this pst Sunday, taped it back up. Unknown strain, but maybe you could tell me a little about mine and tell me what you think I should do. First time growing, feed the trio fox farm and ocean forest soil also have cal mag. Been feeding with 1/4 the dosage, not even half. Was planning to flower but the break happened. What do you suggest?
    Thanks again. I guess what I meant by hot Water was boiling the root. Not really sure how to go about that though.
    Not really sure what that even means
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    I have never even heard of doing such a terrible thing. you will instantly kill your plant... might as well harvest right then.
    Hello, my first grow week 9 flower, I am in hydro, mystery strain. Was getting everyone’s opinions on harvest date opinions as I am very eager, and don’t want to many of the trichomes to be over ripe and lose thc potency I can post photos if your willing to give it a looksies :)
    Hi Emilya
    My name is Francois and I am from south africa. Would you please consider reviewing my last posts? I have been hacing some issues on my soil green house grow, with my LAOG and blueberry plants
    The are all showing some symptoms that I have never experienced before and it is seriously bugging me! Please please have a look at the photos?

    Have a great day
    See what ColonelBlake said? Me too!
    I've been sneaking peeks at your advice for a while now, you and the legendary Mr. Treez. I've skimmed through the MC threads, at first being daunted by the calculations and various counter-intuitive advice being dolled out. I have, however, ordered my trial bag and after paying particular attention to your grows and your battle will give it ago.
    What I am looking for now are soil recipes. Just wondering if you have a favourite go to soil mix and if so would you mind sharing.
    Thanks for all you're doing
    Your New Apprentice ;)
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    my favorite is subcool's supersoil... his original recipe makes a ton, but if you look around there are 1/4 and even 1/8 versions.
    Research, research, research... I'm having so much fun. :D Can't wait to dig in. Thank you very much.
    Have you grown in Coca? Or are you all about the soils haha
    Merry Christmas Emilya and family

    Thank you for all you do on here and fir all the people you help.

    God bless and all the best in the new year
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Thank you Hempster! Merry Christmas and may all the heavens bless you and yours this holiday season!
    Hello from the Ozarks..You hit the nail on the head about "tomato" farmers...me included. I'm semi-green to indoor,but woefully unsuccessful. I've read a couple of your expose's,and was wondering if theres a compilation of your how to's? I'd like to put together a reference, save me asking about already covered subjects. I've read similar authors on different sites, but your the most informative,and an easier read.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi @Oldgrower54 and nice to meet you neighbor! I do have a thread that I have created that has a reference to all of my favorite work, but of course it is easy to search for anything originated by any member using the search system. Check out this link and I hope you get a lot of information from my work over the years.
    Good Morning Emmie: After writing you I got off my bum and basically followed your instructions. I'm Dyslexic. Just wrote a post in members lounge. I loved your proper watering tutorial, it was easy to understand. Reminded me of my high school AG/FFA teacher, Mr Fluet was mentored by Booker T Washington.... his favorite mantra, "make them roots chase the water"
    Don't know if your familiar with Bakercreek Heirloom seeds or the village in Mansville, they have some nice festivals, and now that Medical Marijauna is here in Mo I imagine come Spring there may be some vendors. Happy Trails
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