
  1. R

    How Mormons Are Leading Utah's Fight For Medical Marijuana

    One summer day in 2007, Utah State Senator Mark Madsen (R-Saratoga Springs) was grilling chicken and corn on the cob in his yard with his family, when he was hit by what felt like the flu. As a chronic pain patient, Madsen, who sustained back and spine injuries from two car accidents and playing...
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    A Cash Crop Of 'Basement Growers,' Cannabis Has Caught The Eye Of Colorado's Farmers

    Cannabis is beginning to look a lot like a commodity crop. After spending decades in darkened basements and secreted away on small parcels of land, marijuana growers are commercializing once-illegal plant varieties: industrial hemp, recreational marijuana and medical cannabis. As more...
  3. R

    Sponsor Of Utah Medical Marijuana Bill Planning Move Out Of The U.S.

    The sponsor of Utah's bold and controversial cannabis law says, at the end of the calendar year, he will move out of the country. Sen. Mark Madsen says his perception of conservative values does not jive with those of the Utah lawmakers with whom he serves. Madsen says by January 2017, he...
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    These Cannabis Activists Want To Get Arrested In Front Of The White House

    In response to the Obama administration's unwillingness to take action on reforming marijuana laws, the D.C. Cannabis Campaign (DCMJ) is planning to light up outside the White House on April 2. The event, Reschedule 420, will feature mass consumption of cannabis, which remains illegal on...
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    Detroit To Weed Out Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

    Detroit has made significant steps to regulate medical marijuana and its business practices in recent months. Last year, City Council approved measures that will set up stricter licensing and zoning practices for dispensaries that provide the drug. The city says there may be as many as 211...
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    South Dakota: Medical Marijuana Derivative Goes To House Floor

    The House Health and Human Services Committee advanced a bill authorizing limited use of cannabidiol oil to treat epileptic seizures. Sioux Falls Doctor, and State Senator, Blake Curd, says the evidence is mounting that CBD oil provides relief. Curd says if there was no evidence that CBD oil...
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    New Legislation For Medical Marijuana Could Bring In Significant Revenue For Michigan

    A hot topic circulating around Lansing is medical marijuana. Small municipalities have been calling for better rules surrounding it for years, now one economist says with the right regulations in place the state could get a lot of money. Dr. Gary Wolfram, a professor of economics at...
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    Reaction In Saskatoon To The Medical Marijuana Ruling

    Some say a huge step forward has been made for medical marijuana users in Canada. On Feb. 24, a Federal Court judge ruled that licensed users may now grow their own plants. "The Allard decision allows people who are authorized by physicians to consume medical marijuana to grow it themselves...
  9. TheFertilizer

    600w vs 400w

    Trying to decide. A knowledgeable buddy is urging me to do 600. Everything I've read says 400 should be adequate for my floor space (4x4). He does consulting jobs too and such, basically says he's not been impressed with 400w setups he saw, that the 600 just do so lunch better. I not really...
  10. R

    Medical Marijuana In South Dakota

    The use of marijuana for medical purposes has been a controversial issue for many years, some have even tried getting it legalized through the South Dakota Legislature and with ballot measures. Monday night, Black Hills State University-Rapid City held an academic lecture discussing medical...
  11. S

    Do not use with timer?

    I have a 42 watt optolight CFL 2700k and it says Do not use with timers, blah blah, etc... Why not?
  12. R

    Crackdown Looms For Detroit's Booming Medical Marijuana Business

    Ride through the streets of Detroit at any time, day or night and you can't help but wonder what's happening with the city's war on drugs. Medical marijuana shops are everywhere. Even the police are amazed by what they see. Everyone is surprised. Danzal Coleman, a student at Osborn...
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    NZ: The Battle Over Medical Marijuana

    Former CTU president Helen Kelly has mounted a campaign that seeks to reform the government's procedures over medicinal cannabis. Kelly has blogged about her predicament and campaign — see: Life and death and Cannabis. This must-read post sets out her problems with getting appropriate treatment...
  14. R

    MMJ In NY State: Patient-Advocates Who Built The Program Are Fighting To Access It

    Grimacing, Donna Schwier rubs her left calf and looks out the window of her small basement-level apartment, tucked around the back of a suburban Long Island home. Outside, tree limbs are sagging under heavy new-fallen snow. That's a concern, since cold and moisture exacerbate the fibromyalgia...
  15. R

    Wichita: Valentine Eclectics Changes Focus To Hemp Store

    Chris Valentine opened Valentine Eclectics downtown last year to sell repurposed antiques and wood products, but he's changing the focus of his business thanks to a discovery he made through his fiancee, Linda Cramer. Cramer had chronic pain that she treated through cannabinoid products...
  16. R

    Will Marijuana Legalization Push The Pusher Out Of Business?

    Drug dealers in Canada may soon have to contend with the biggest business competitor they've ever faced: the federal government. One Montreal dealer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that like any businessman, he is worried about how marijuana legalization will affect the bottom...
  17. JiggyJack

    All Cannabis Use is Medicinal

    This is what I have been thinking for a while. He just says it better: All Cannabis Use is Medicinal. Even if the user misidentified it as ‘recreational.’ The medical cannabis movement is sweeping through the nation with such momentum that even conservative legislators are evolving to see the...
  18. H

    Flat white paint

    So I read flat white is a cheap and effective upgrade to a room i have 5 gallons of flat latex but I noticed it says "moderate white " Will this be fine or being to technical
  19. R

    Startups Race To Corner Market On Medical Marijuana

    For years, David Hua encountered problems when he ordered medical marijuana deliveries. Online menus were often outdated. Ordering over the phone took forever. Sending requests by email risked compromising private data. And delivery dudes were notoriously unreliable. "Sometimes it took an...
  20. R

    Momentum Mounts For Medical Marijuana In Canada

    It was a watershed moment for the study of medical marijuana. This past December, Canadian university researchers, federal and provincial officials, patient advocates and industry representatives met in Vancouver to set priorities for evidence-based inquiries into a drug long overshadowed by its...
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