
  1. CropKingSeeds

    Friday 11 - Crop King Toque Give Away - December 2015 Giveaway

    We are giving away this TOQUE to one lucky customer! The winner will be announced on Friday, December 11, 2015. How to qualify? Order anytime from December 7 to 11, 2015 and use the promo code 420-MAG10. What's in it for you? You save 10% by using the code and you have the chance...
  2. T

    LED Nova Trinity?

    does anyone have experience with these? i have been planning on getting that as well as a supherb drying closet. I would liek to get 3 to 5 pounds a harvest. do you guys think it is possible with this? do you guys recommend a diy build that is much cheaper, but have the same setup? I'm super...
  3. B

    Hello 420

    Hello 420 people, i'm long time reader first time poster broken eyes... Yes I'm aware of what the name is spelled above, that's actually do ironically to my eyes! Just a heads up for everyone, and I will be putting it in my signature, I am legally blind, so please forgive any mistakes in my...
  4. Jacob Redmond

    Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor - Dope-Seeds

    Please join us in thanking Dope-Seeds for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world. 420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact with...
  5. Jacob Redmond

    Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor - Aqua Lab Technologies

    Please join us in thanking Aqua Lab Technologies for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world. 420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact...
  6. M

    What's up y'all? First time blogger and the wife & I's first fully organic grow!

    First off I would like to start off by saying THANK YOU 420 MAGAZINE:thanks::420: for giving us this wonderfull cannabis community, it is truely a great thing you're doing getting everyone together to spread awareness and TRUTH!!! Totally dope in my opinion... Anywho, My wife and I just moved...
  7. N


    this plant is on its 50th day of flowering. the strain is delicious critical sensi star.supposed to harvest in about 4 days, does it look almost ready to you. i cant tell what color the trichomes are even with a scope i bought. please help and thank you in advance.
  8. D

    $300,000,000,000,000 class action lawsuit

    ​ TO: President of the United FROM: DRWWadsworth DATE: 12/xx/15 SUBJECT: Making the miracle drug Cannabis illegal is a travesty a crime against humanity THREAD: Making the miracle drug Cannabis illegal is a travesty a crime against humanity Dear President Obama: I am permanently and totally...
  9. Z

    on a positive note :)

    hi again everybody, ziggy here and back on a bi-polar mood swing I'm in a great mood now cause my gf just woke up and comforted me, its amazing how much one person being in your life can really help. now onto marijuana my favorite subject in high school up to this day except back then we...
  10. E

    Confirm it's a male? Please!

    It is about 6 weeks and just noticed tiny balls on my plant soo I'm assuming it is going downhill from here lol 90% sure that it is male.. But if you experts could so kindly confirm and help a girl out? Thanks! Xox
  11. H


    Just a question not trying to start something. miracle grow what do you think?
  12. P

    Are you supposed to increase the amount of water you feed your plant as it grows?

    My early miss auto is going on 3 weeks old above soil. I have it in a 2 gallon flower pot filled up 75% with soil. It only takes 9 to 10 oz of water to get run off out of my flower pot. Will i have to give my plant more water as it grows ?
  13. R

    First Attempt - Feminized Auto Skunk

    Hello guys, I am new at this forum and i want to say thanks for all the important knowledge that you share here. I recently bought some seeds online (Feminized Auto Skunk seeds) and i planted them at 18lt pots under a CFL grow panel (4 x 55w CFLs). One of my ladies the oldest one...
  14. luciferP

    Please help me determine the sex, I think it is male. Thank you everyone

    Has 56 days from the seeds grow into 12/12 has been six days, and now there are many former flower appears. I looked at the feel is male, please help me determine the next sex, thank you answer, your answer is very helpful for me. The following pictures are a plant
  15. Salton

    Single seed from plant

    Hey folks I had a volunteer pop up in my Tomatoes last spring and she grew into a nice plant. She was in the shade most of the day, so she didn't get huge. In the end I harvested about a gallon of cured buds. It seems to be a sativa. I cloned her, but did it pretty late, and it took two...
  16. SweetLeef

    Bernie Sanders will legalize Cannabis

    I don't know about all of you, but I was feeling the Bern long before he said he'd legalize cannabis. I believe it's time for a change. We need to overturn Citizens United, we need to strengthen the Voter Rights Act, we need to install pay equity for women, as well as stand by them and...
  17. Curly Beaver

    PH'ing water and nutrients in advance?

    When you adjust the pH of your water do you make a fresh batch each time or do you make up some in advance for a week or so? Same question for nutrients? Always fresh or do you use it later if you have an excess? I am just trying to get my ducks in a row for an upcoming vacation, I will...
  18. Tris420

    Is my plant doing ok?

    Hey Guys ! So i watched alot of Videos ... and i feel like my plant isnt mature enough for her age ! Im Growing Critical Kush and Normal Critical ! Both since 48 Days in Flower ! Thats how they Look like First 2 Pictures is Critical Kush and the Other one Critical ... So what do you guys...
  19. J

    Sativa or indica?

    Hey guys. This is 6th day of this little baby. I wonder if you can tell if its sativa or indica? If not when can you tell? What is your opinion.
  20. W


    Hi everybody. I am from Canada and I am totally new. I love viewing posts from this website. Hope you guys can teach me. Thanks.
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