18 days into flowering: are they too small?


Active Member
Hello. They have been in flowering for 18 days. They are just some random bagseeds. I feel like they small. I dont have much time so after first 2 weeks I switched to 10/14 from 12/12. When can I harvest soonest? I am looking for some feedback thank you!


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Ahh thats good , did you veg with cfl's or the mh? You can swap the mh bulb for a hps now shes flowering , hps has a better spectrum for flower .. in saying that no one says you cant run your mh .. the thin wispy leaves in and around the buds are more a sativa trait, youve also got some big fat indica fan leaves happening , the strain is a hybrid and will probaply fill out nicely might take 8-10 weeks from now tho as a rough estimate just be patient , and dont over do anything they are looking good
Ahh thats good , did you veg with cfl's or the mh? You can swap the mh bulb for a hps now shes flowering , hps has a better spectrum for flower .. in saying that no one says you cant run your mh .. the thin wispy leaves in and around the buds are more a sativa trait, youve also got some big fat indica fan leaves happening , the strain is a hybrid and will probaply fill out nicely might take 8-10 weeks from now tho as a rough estimate just be patient , and dont over do anything they are looking good
İn veg they were under mh as well. I was planning to buy hps but cuz of corona I am on budget. We'll how much I will harvest under MH
İn veg they were under mh as well. I was planning to buy hps but cuz of corona I am on budget. We'll how much I will harvest under MH
Yeah strange times , ive never flowered a plant under a mh but theres no reason you cant ... just the light spectrum of hps is a bit better suited for flowering, um from memory i think i used to get around .5 to .7 gpw (grams per watt) under a 400w phillips son t hps but that is very grower and strain dependant.. some people can do heaps better and some completely fail , just keep them healthy, keep a keen eye and ask questions early if things dont look quite right:thumb:
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