187's Second 400 HID DWC & Coco With LSD OG Kush & MBK


Well-Known Member
Hello all
187 back again.

Area: DIY 4'x3'x6' insulated grow box

Lights: 400w MH/HPS

Exhaust: 4" Inline Fan

Medium: 5g DWC & 5g Coco/soil mix

Nutrients: Advance Nutrients GMB Ph perfect & CX Wilt Guard, CX Regen-a-root, GH Armer Si

Plants: 2 LSD, 2 OG Kush, 1 MBK (custom genetics) ((1 LSD & 1 OG Kush will be placed outside when the time comes.))

Phase: seedlings (a few days old)

Will post pics as soon as I figure out how...
(I'm used to the app).
Seeds in water for the night, then they went into damp paper towel for a night.

Seeds in Peat moss pellets.

Top left (DWC) & bottom left (center) LSD
Top right & bottom right OG Kush
Bottom left (off center) MBK
2 small trays with coco in center containing non-420 related flowers lol

Think I finally figured it out...
I am rotating back to indoor growing after years of outdoor/greenhouse grows and was set to use the coco-perlite mix, but the constant watering and dtw style will be an obstacle. This DWC might be something for me to explore. As much history as I have, in some ways I feel brand new to this, always more to learn!
I am rotating back to indoor growing after years of outdoor/greenhouse grows and was set to use the coco-perlite mix, but the constant watering and dtw style will be an obstacle. This DWC might be something for me to explore. As much history as I have, in some ways I feel brand new to this, always more to learn!

DWC is worth it in my opinion. As long as you do your research and you dont do anything stupid. Your good lol
Keeping the nutrient water temperature below 20C is the hardest and most important thing. Second most important making sure there is lots of dissolved oxygen.
Set up is pretty cheap to be honest.
-5 gallon bucket (or whatever you want to use really) w/ a lid
-Air pump
-air stone
-air hose
-net pot
I used an 8 in garden pot and drilled some holes in it for my next pot.

LSD 1 finally got her first test change, not a bad run lol.

Cab is looking a little dirty. Going to have to fix that.

Everything is looking good. Few nibbles on the leaves but nothing I'm not used to.
Gotta flip soon or else LSD 1 is taking over.

LSD 2 and OGK 2 are finally growing again.
Gotta get them out side so I can flip the rest.

Had LSD 2 & OGK 2 out side in the shade for a few hours yesterday. Will do it again tonight after work then tomorrow I believe I will transplant out side.

Then I believe I'm going to flip to 12/12.
Lately I've been battling heat in my res even with all the insulation. So my roots are not as pearly white but still not worried.

But flipping to 12/12 will help.
Well I finally transplanted..
At the advice of my wife I put 3 outside instead of 2. Now I'll have more room for LSD 1 who is just trying to take over.

MBK1, LSD2 and OGK2, are all out side.

MBK1 was not acclimated to outdoor weather but it's kind of a cloudy day anyways.
The part I'm worried about is the actually transplant.
Never transplanted from a 5 gallon pot before and I dont recommend doing it alone...

To be honest I'll be shocked if it lives lol.
Pictures later tonight.
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