(1st grow) Growing Problems


New Member
I Think my plant is all kinds of fucked up
everytime it grows a new set of leaves, the set furthest down start to fall off.
it is about 8+ inches tall and only has 8 leaves, it looks like a tree
all the leaves are at the top of the plant,

Who knows whats wrong?
your plant is using the nutrients from your lower leaves to produce new growth. you need to feed your plants.

i suggest you do alote of reading. click on the overgrow faqs at the top of the page this will help u tremendously:peace:
idk what maxicrop is but somone else can prolly answer that question.

as for a good food make sure it is high in nitrogen for the veg. growth.
i saw on another post and that Boss guy said its good so i ordered it

so if feeding it should work then i think im set cuz its in a good enviroment, thanks
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