1st Grow Indoor Tent


420 Member
-Grow journal-
MY FIRST GROW..super excited!!!!.ive placed my unknown genetic seedlings (i believe there Jack Herer but I’m not sure I’ve had them for few months) In beer cups with FFOF SOIL they are sprouting well at 83% hum. And 74 deg. I been feeding constant around 8 pm. With just tap water (ph of 8.3)This is day 3 since sprout. I will be using full product line of HUMBOLDTS SECRET GARDEN. I have a 300w viparspectra full spectrum led light in a vivosun 36”x20”x62”, Using a ac infinity cloudline t4 with a terra bloom carbon filter. These have been personal notes below I been keeping. But please I’m all ears and will like to hear the good and bad The do’s and dont’s. GOOD VIBES!!!
plants grew about 2 centimeters with ph8.2 77.8 deg and a humidity of 58% soil is a little moist. Refilled humidifier and set it to 85%. 3 unknown seeds 2 of which will leave another day in napkins and one has a root of about 1 1/2 will throw in soil today.
:eek:rdered ppm and final nute from Humboldts secret garden. Excited that in a few more days my baby’s will be ready for there first feed.. as of right now I’ve labeled my three unknown genetic plants with A-B-C. Plant A is looking really well tall standing at 4 cm from the dirt. B and C are at 3cm looking healthy too. I rotate the plants clockwise every feed for even light..so I took Evian water with a ph of 8.2 naturally and added some white distilled vinegar and brought the ph Down to 6.2 (read it in a growers forum)gave them all sip. I’m also planting the other seedling that is ready to go. On this one I’m labeling D I used 2 cups ocean forest and 1.25 of coco used the 6.5ph water and placing in tent @ 95% humidity....Let the growing begin.
Woke up this morning and found that my tent was at almost 90% humidity. It’s 9:08am so I opened a side vent and installed a small clip fan dried up all the condensation around the tent with a wash rag. Set the carbon filter to exhaust at speed 10 I will check back in a few hours! It’s been about 45 minutes and the humidity is at 65% and the temp is at 78.8deg. The pictures are of the baby’s right now!!!! Super excited new friends!!!


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Good luck with the new grow and welcome.
Turn your humidity down to about 65-70%, will be not so moist in there.
How are you going to control the grow tent heat and humidity as the summer drags on. I live in Toledo Ohio and I would like to start an inside garden. Just wondering how everyone controls there room.
Well I’m a new grower myself and this is my first time around. But from what I have been reading in these great forums and other platforms I might have to purchase a dehumidifier (someone recommended a damprid) I’ve been looking at the snapsafe dehumidifier (used in gun safes to prevent mildew and all that good stuff.. I’ll keep you posted for sure!
How are you going to control the grow tent heat and humidity as the summer drags on. I live in Toledo Ohio and I would like to start an inside garden. Just wondering how everyone controls there room.
All depends on your light of choice. I myself run an led build. Temps and humidity are kept in check with just a 4” exhaust fan. That’s in a 3x3 tent. If your using a room in your house then dehumidifier and ac may be needed. So many factors come into play.
Well I’m a new grower myself and this is my first time around. But from what I have been reading in these great forums and other platforms I might have to purchase a dehumidifier (someone recommended a damprid) I’ve been looking at the snapsafe dehumidifier (used in gun safes to prevent mildew and all that good stuff.. I’ll keep you posted for sure!
What about the heat? Both with lights on and lights off. The temperature and humidity in my neck of the woods can change dramatically from day to day. I will be able to use house ac/heat as there is a vent in the room I'm using. From what I read on this great site. People have humidifiers, dehumidifiers, separate ac/heat and a zone controller for all of them. That way they control heat, humidity, both day and night... that's a lot of money to shell out...
All depends on your light of choice. I myself run an led build. Temps and humidity are kept in check with just a 4” exhaust fan. That’s in a 3x3 tent. If your using a room in your house then dehumidifier and ac may be needed. So many factors come into play.
Will like to hear more about your set up and everyday norm. for some learning especially now that I’m close to start feeding them a so on..
All depends on your light of choice. I myself run an led build. Temps and humidity are kept in check with just a 4” exhaust fan. That’s in a 3x3 tent. If your using a room in your house then dehumidifier and ac may be needed. So many factors come into play.
For sure so many ways to get from point A to point B... guess I'll learn as I go. Thanks for all your input. Hope you have a great grow.
To control heat and humidity you can use something like an Inkbird digital thermostat temp humidity controller.

Use the humidistat and connect it to a small one gallon humidifier and a small fan. Set to XX% HR when the humidifier kicks on it goes to XX% which turns on the fan dropping it back down to XX% turning the humidifier back on and so on works really well. If the fan doesn't cut it, you can connect a dehumidifier.
Will like to hear more about your set up and everyday norm. for some learning especially now that I’m close to start feeding them a so on..
Well what has got me into or should I say back into this arena again is my 28 year old son. He's getting a divorce and is now living back with us. He brought a 4x8 grow tent with him full of plants that are vegging. And it had to go in our bedroom as that's the only place to keep it from the grandkids. Lol. Anyway I've been reading up on this site how to grow this wonderful weed. I've seen many things that could make the grow more successful.
It's been cool with low humidity lately so it's not been an issue as far as the tent effecting the temperature in our bedroom. Then we have a day when its 75 outside and the heat in the tent goes up to 90 humidity about 60. The temperature in our bedroom has also raised to where its uncomfortable to sleep in there. We only have a 4in 165 cfm exhaust fan that is ducted directly to my attic. I think we need to increase exhaust to six in with 440 cfm. Can't deal with the heat in the bedroom. By the way he has 1 t5 4' bulbs with eight lights and three smaller leds.
Went to check on the baby’s since I checked them this morning temp and humidity has been holding.. the temp. Was at 74.5 humidity at 64% today.. as I drained out the excess water from one of the girls I saw that a root had grown out of one of the drain holes. What should I do in this situation? I also set my water ph to 5.7 and added three drops of rapidstart. Was this a good idea? Any helpful feedback is greatly appreciated my fellow growers!!
Hello fellow growers! So I tested my run off and it read of a ph of 6.5 and a ppm of 1350 now I’m trying to wrap my head around measuring with my meters and adjust and I’m confused on how and when to start mixing in my nutrients? Any advice on how to start?
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