21 days in, first grow

kram rollen

Active Member
So my question is, I have a 2x4x5 grow tent how many plants can you grow in this size tent? I want to use 3 gal smart pots and keep in mind that I'm new at this. I've got five started in 1 gal pots now, I just don't want to get overwhelmed with my grow. Any comments are apreciated. Thx


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So my question is, I have a 2x4x5 grow tent how many plants can you grow in this size tent? I want to use 3 gal smart pots and keep in mind that I'm new at this. I've got five started in 1 gal pots now, I just don't want to get overwhelmed with my grow. Any comments are apreciated. Thx
it really depends on a lot of factors , how long you veg them ,training etc ..a good rule of thumb is the plant will stretch 1 to 2 times its size when switched to 12/12..I would suggest browsing the journals section ..more so the completed as im sure you will find one with your size tent and style (soil) grow .
I'm new as well and I've got the same size set up as you. Right now I got 4 plants total two being autos and it is very very tight. I have good light across the entire tent to there all doing good so far. But my next grow I'm definitely only doing 2 or 3 max. The picture is over a week old. They almost taking up the entire tent now. I have to keep a bamboo stick going across to get my 2' width because my exhaust fan sucks the sides in pretty well and it leave me with less than two foot which isn't enough for me.. but like I said a simple bamboo stick across the middle of the tent solves that problem... Anyways good luck buddy!


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So my question is, I have a 2x4x5 grow tent how many plants can you grow in this size tent? I want to use 3 gal smart pots and keep in mind that I'm new at this. I've got five started in 1 gal pots now, I just don't want to get overwhelmed with my grow. Any comments are apreciated. Thx

6 plants in 5 gallon buckets in a 2.5x4 area .
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