2nd Grow, Blue Dream, Sour D, Freedom Fighter, SKS


New Member
Well I decided to start a journal for my current indoor crop. I don't feel like journaling my outdoor happenings as my 4 - 5 foot tall plant was uprooted one night a couple months ago. *grumble*

Anyways! I've got some 6500k fluorescents and some 6w Growler LEDs going about 15/9. Soil is dirt, organic miracle gro, and perilite. Food is pictured.

So I've got a brand new Blue Dream clone, a Sour Diesel clone I've had for a few weeks, and 3 growing from seed.

Freedom Fighter's mother was known as "Junior" in my first grow journal. Junior was headband and it got pollinated by an SKS hermie. So it's an SKS with a headband, Freedom Fighter!

The one in the same pot as Freedom Fighter is 2nd gen SKS, I believe the seed came from the one I called "The Tree" and it was pollinated by the huge hermie, which was the same strain.

Then there's a 1st gen SKS I've had frozen in veg for a few months. Its growth is stunted by the pot size. I may transplant it to a bigger pot in a week or so. The roots are poking out of the bottom of the pot haha.

Time for pics!






First up is Freedom Fighter. She's starting to get some 9 fingered leaves now. She's a cross of SKS and Headband. I'll be making a mother out of this plant. Obviously not in the best of places to grow, being in the same pot as another plant, but it was grown from seed, as was the other one. I'll leave them in veg forever and just make clones from them, once I confirm that they're definitely female and not hermies. (They don't have a daddy, if you know what I mean.)

Here's the second gen SKS. Same "daddy." Different mother. The mother was a 4+ foot tall sativa that got stolen from my back yard one night. Lucky I got that seed off of her before she was stolen.

This one I'm not 100% sure, but I believe this was a "Purple SKS." The mother was from the same batch of seeds as my other outdoor plants, but this one turned PURPLE. Not just like a little purple but nearly completely purple. It was seedy, so I saved them and this one seems to be doing well. I saved it from the torrential rains and brought it inside to join the family.

Blue Dream! One of my favorite strains! She's getting a LITTLE bigger. Can't wait till I can flower her.

Sour Diesel! The legend! How I LOVE Sour Diesel. This one doesn't disappoint. I swear it's growing like an inch a day or something. Those leaves are growing fast and multiplying quickly.

Here's a pic of the heirloom SKS with a Tex Mex seedling. Curious how that seedling will look. It's bent over because of torrential rains lately. Hence it was a rescue like the purple SKS. It won't get very large in that pot, but it should make some decent buds. I like taking seeds from battered outdoor grows and seeing how they do when grown properly.
How about some more pics?

Tex Mex

Blue Dream

2nd Gen SKS which I will use as a mother.

Freedom fighter, also will be a mother, since it's sharing the pot with the 2nd gen SKS.

Here they are together, little blurry some reason.

This one will turn purple, when I flower it. It's mother turned almost completely purple.

Here's the heirloom SKS. Its been stuck in veg for months and won't get much bigger due to the pot being too small. I could repot it, but the roots have already started poking through the bottom... Almost tempted to do a hybrid hydroponic on it and use it as a mother.

THE MASSIVE SOUR DIESEL! God I love this strain, it's so freaking reliable and hardy!

Got my new lights for flowering today, so now we can move forward with some of these veggers!

Got 5 panels of these. I'll supplement the white with the fluorescents.

How did this grow turn out?
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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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