30 Year Old Bag Seed & Blue Dream From Holland


420 Member

Backstory: I am 20 years old now, never grew before and have always been a Cannabis user, and activists, my parents not so much so I was kicked out of their house for having 6oz of Alabama high test in my yeti cooler. Moved forward educated myself and learn more about cannabis. One of the old heads that buys from me had mentioned that he use to grow and had some seeds. I didn’t think much of it until the next time he came he brought me some browned plastic bags full of seeds, he then starts telling me what he believes they are but doesn’t know exactly because they’ve been in a chest in his house for over 30 years. Starts mentioning names like Kine Bud, Golden Colombian, and then these itty bitty seeds that are jet black mentions a name like “Purple Haze” and then I decided I was going to grow and I was going to be good at it.

I had never grew anything before other than pot plant seedlings when I was like 14. (kept them in egg cartons and got root bound) got up the next day optimistic and started looking for places to setup my grow room. I spotted my empty TV cabinet it was about 2x3x3 which was prime real estate for my grow room. Without a second to spare I got in my car and headed off to, returned later as giddy as a child with a new toy.

I had got a 36 pack of the germinating pellets prepared half of them and did an even mixture of all seed, covered it with a moisture dome and put it on top of my hot water heater and covered it in wallpaper. (it’s what I had in there) went to my TV cabinet with aluminum foil, masking tape, and hemp string, covered all my surfaces in foil, made sure to get all the cracks where light might get through, took my hemp string and braided it and test fit the 400w white light Led outdoor 40 degree flood light in a heat lamp fixture. (2 of them)


3 days go by and I get out my moisture dome out it in my grow cabinet put two 200w led lights that I picked up from Lowe’s that are suppose to be used to light under kitchen cabinets. Sure enough I start seeing sprouts, more than I expected actually. After they got too big for their starting pods I transplanted then into a solo red solo cup with my medium of:
2pt- Organic Soil
After this I removed the 2 small lights and left the 2 bigger ones, put in a small desk fan on low speed and let my babies wave.


I had a few problems though. 1 I had too many plants, 2 I had no clue if I had good genetics, bad genetics, what strain, what kind of temps I needed, ph, or anything. (Pretty much any big time growers worst nightmare) however I wasn’t a big time grower, I was a 19 year old with free pot seeds who didn’t want for money. After I saw that all my plants were healthy and knew a general ideal of “Do’s and dont’s” for growing I got some true female blue dream seeds, purchased with bitcoin from Holland. Needless to say I was hella pleased when they got here. I got 5 of them and paid more than most would want to for a seed but I was happy and eager. Germinated 3 of them got 3 sprouts.

I then had 17 plants, not large plants but still way too many for me to give all of them undivided attention. So I decided to share the love I am well know in my community so it wasn’t too hard to find people who wanted healthy pot plants. Gave most away put a few outside, had 1 die. So I then have 7 inside and one outside.

Around this time I realized I needed something a little more professional than a tv cabinet covered in aluminum foil and hemp string. It was also close to my 20th birthday and my parents had been wondering what I wanted, despite the fact I knew I’d have to hear about going to hell for wanting to grow Cannabis I asked for a grow tent and a light but I didn’t expect anything. Couple weeks go by and I text my mom tell her I’m buying it for myself and to not worry about getting me anything for my birthday. She replies and tells me to come to their house and pick up my birthday present which was of course the grow tent and grow light. Since then my parents have been more supportive of my decisions. I receive a FaceTime from my mother and father and they’re on the beach and drunk. My parents and I hadn’t spoke much since they had kicked me out even though I didn’t blame them for doing it. We talked like old times and she told me that her and dad were going to “outgrow me” because they had award winning tomato plants and a ton of land. So I agreed under the conditions that I could make it male & female and they would let it grow. after all what could I do? Tell my parents they couldn’t grow pot? Hell no! I made the agreement picked out one that had a little bit of potassium overdose but nothing severe. (Had to give myself the upper hand)
Here’s a few more fresh pics for you guys
this is Gucci one of the blue dreams with the whorled mutation

Top shot of Chong the leaf blades at the top of the picture are curling slightly should I be worried?

Top shot of Cheech


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So Upon viewing other members prized possessions I couldn’t help but to think my plants might be a little too leggy and if so is there anything I can do to make it bushier/yield more?86F3AB46-19D7-48AB-A05C-807E418086F4.jpeg8FF5245A-8515-4D2B-8EF2-DB0605FDD1C7.jpeg9F46348C-89F9-4852-A58C-B9D1937C28F4.jpeg
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