Advice please


Well-Known Member
So im new to the forum, i specifically googled "best marijuana growing forum" just so i could reach out for some help and advice, as well as to read up cause thats what ive done up until this point.
Just a bit about my setup bottom up, running hydroponic setup. Drain and fill. Its small only about 10-3 gallon. And 6 inch plastic net pots with clay medium. Mango kush. Mini sun burst 150watts.
Now ive ran into a few problems on, getting seeds to germinate, then cant really get to a store to buy nutes and couldnt order any. So after i thought it was coming along so many weeks passed and my plants like 7 inches tall with only a few nodes. So i got ph down cause it was always so high. Got that right finally, realized my water temp was way to hot. Because i didnt have my pump on a timer so its getting hot on top of the light. Within the last week i would say my plant has trippled if not more in size. I mean the roots where the size of a golf ball and now when i take it out to check water they are hanging out.
So now my seed cracked nov 13th , so my plants 40 something days old so growth was definitely stunted with water temp. Now i am having some yellowing of the leaves at first thought maybe nutes build up in water cause i never added fresh to replace water that evaporated, so i did complete change. Most times youll see a response in 24 hrs or less. Nothing if not a bit more changed. So i read up a bit and decided to flush. So all new water only dropped ph. Up to any advice thanks. Pics are from today


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Looks like potassium deficiency, it could be caused by ph. Make sure ph is 5.8-6.2. I change my Rez once a week with fresh nutrients. Also coco should be watered daily never let coco dry out.
Looks like potassium deficiency, it could be caused by ph. Make sure ph is 5.8-6.2. I change my Rez once a week with fresh nutrients. Also coco should be watered daily never let coco dry out.
I agree definitely a potassium deficiency forsure.. pennywise is your man on this one take it from here my friend
At first i thought it was N toxicity, then when i saw the first post with the chart a nitrogen deficiency. But you guys are advising me saying its P. Well ph could definitely be the issue ive been using a primative 3 drop water testing. I have to go this weekend to get an eletric ph tester. @Pennywise this is my first grow and i havent tried coco yet. So mean while just get ph to 5.8-6.2 until i can get an eletric tester and correct nutes. Using i know its incorrect using miclegrow plant food ran thru a gallon of grow nutes tryin to keep ph stable obviouly trial n error until i got it stable. Now until i can get a better ph tester and nutes is it okay just to leave ph balanced water or should i put nutes back in and get to 5.8-6.2 best i can eye? Thanks every one for your post.
Ph will lock out certain nutrients from being taken up by the plant. I run chunk coco and usually in veg I try to stay 5.8 to 6.0 and flower 6.0 to 6.2 ideally you want the full swing from 5.8 to 6.2 but I manually flood and drain my plants top feeding every day. In coco ph is key . look forward to seeing them down the road a but.
Peace OG
Always mix nutrients first then adjust ph. Go light on the miracle grow it’s pretty hot. Most issues you encounter will be ph related. So keeping ph in range is critical with hydro.
Well until tommorow i did the best i could. Will i see a response or will those leaves with the yellowing eventually be lost? And from the looks of it, do you think its too early for topping? Hopefully before i go into flowering i will have gotten a better light. Oh and another thing i have the light on 24/7 right now is that okay or should i reduce to maybe 18?
Always mix nutrients first then adjust ph. Go light on the miracle grow it’s pretty hot. Most issues you encounter will be ph related. So keeping ph in range is critical with hydro.
He will most likely have most problems from the miracle grow wont he? I cant ever use miracle grow with out burning anything bc it has that nitrogen that gets suspended in the soil doesnt it? its so easy to buy a good quality nute line for even a descent price people believe in miracle grow tho just it isnt made for cannabis at all and its a nightmare to feed with
Miracle grow is probably the worst fertilizer for cannabis. It works well outdoors but not indoor grows.
Yeah thats what i was thinking.. he is definitely working up for a nightmare!!
Thanks for clearing that up pennywise...
Well it was temp, i went to the store just today before work got some grow , some thrive, and invested in a decent ph meter. Problem before i was checking ph with old fishtank drop kit. And almost impossible to eye 5.8-6.2. So well see what happens in next few days.I need to get a 2nd timer for my light to go from 24 to 18. Im growing on a budget its my first and i think n a week or 2 to get a bigger or deeper hydro setup. One i have now has a 6inch basket but below that its maybe 2 to 3 inches so not sure if it would make a difference but atleast in the future so taproot is longer.
Ok pennywise so i put her in a airlift drip bucket so roots have more so grow. So i got a TDS, and PH meter, nutes right. Far as conditions i believe all is good. I know its only been a few days, normally i see a reaction fairly quickly. Was reading up, and you guys said looked like a Phosphorous deficiency , perhaps thats the case but maybe because i was using the mircle grow and its high salt content , my plant is nute locked? What do you suggest wait a few more days and see if i see any results or would flushing hurt? Then another question cause everywhere i read they are flushing soil, i run hydro so how long do i run freshwater for 24 hrs a week? Thanks
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