AlanTesla33 Indoor GYO Skunk #1 Auto 2017

Flower or Extract?

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I'm all about sharing the knowledge and the data... how do you think we made it to the moon, mars (and actually beyond but let's not go there!) yes if anyone has good solid auto data please share here.
Day 14:
1 Flea / 1 Gnat this is great considering my area as in open air

I've have the lights on 24/0 because the power was out due to a car accident and then lighting upgrades

The new veg room lol just cleaned and re organized
Day 14:
1 Flea / 1 Gnat this is great considering my area as in open air

I've have the lights on 24/0 because the power was out due to a car accident and then lighting upgrades

A flea?!?!? Gee... you must have some furry buds to get a flea ;)

Actually... shortly after I got my flowering tent situated.... I noticed ONE flea on my cat. It was near his eye so that made me super worried. Both my dog and cat are on frontline. BUT I bought my grow tent second hand. Although I wiped the thing down from top to bottom with bleach water thoroughly, I think the eBay seller (just from dealing with her online) is a bit of a nutty cat lady hippy grower... well that pretty much describes me too but my OCD prevents messiness. Clutter is one thing but dirt.... well judging by the tent when I got it we had very different understanding of what is 'clean' or 'like new'. I ended up getting it for practically nothing because of how drastically she misrepresented it... but now that I am done babbling... how do you think a FLEA got on your plants???? Aren't they blood thirsty little bitches??? What would they want with your cannabis??? I have checked both my animals daily for fleas since then and no sign of them so I guess the frontline is doing its job...


Showing light burn symptoms.

Because of 2days on 24/0 that is going straight back to 18/6 maybe some older ones will show some bush ;)

Even some of the strongest ones I have in veg are showing light burn very slightly on about the first 1/8th of tips so she's one tough bitch GYO!
That's a new node every 4 days I'm opening up the terminal site daily often a few times a day. I try to do this LST daily on everyone to keep growth moving but damn!
My grow is open area in corner or room the area is approx 6x6? I'll measure later at work now. As for the fleas. I do have a fleet of small dogs that are potty trained so they do go out. Usually they are not in the same area as my grow. I rarely see fleas on them since I bathe them weekly let them dry then flour them in diatomaceous earth as well as their bedding. The stuff works great and it's super affordable! There would have been a gnat count of 2 but I noticed the DE got the best of him. As for fleas their is also out for access in the same room as my grow so they are either coming from my soil, other things in the room?, or from outside. No I'm not aware of fleas killing plants but I do know the black gnats will burrow in the top soil and lay eggs their large will eat anything in its path even your precious root system. Check my blog if you have a gnat problem and how to correct it. I'm shamed into not sharing the photo now because it makes the feeble minded ones think I don't know what I'm doing or talking about. So they influence others not to take my advice and experiment some to get results and hey you don't always win and the Mother Nature always finds it's way indoors.



The above is indeed the direct result of an infestation of black gnats laying eggs that hatch into larva that chomp away and they are so small they can't be seen..
A flea?!?!? Gee... you must have some furry buds to get a flea ;)

Actually... shortly after I got my flowering tent situated.... I noticed ONE flea on my cat. It was near his eye so that made me super worried. Both my dog and cat are on frontline. BUT I bought my grow tent second hand. Although I wiped the thing down from top to bottom with bleach water thoroughly, I think the eBay seller (just from dealing with her online) is a bit of a nutty cat lady hippy grower... well that pretty much describes me too but my OCD prevents messiness. Clutter is one thing but dirt.... well judging by the tent when I got it we had very different understanding of what is 'clean' or 'like new'. I ended up getting it for practically nothing because of how drastically she misrepresented it... but now that I am done babbling... how do you think a FLEA got on your plants???? Aren't they blood thirsty little bitches??? What would they want with your cannabis??? I have checked both my animals daily for fleas since then and no sign of them so I guess the frontline is doing its job...


I only make note of fleas on myself usually doggy style inspecting and making notes.for and open area I try to keep things clean as a good practice is it sterile?

No but it works and I'm enjoying the results of an early harvest of my first grow ever! 1 oz dry and got genetics off her if you see her seedling look at the phenotype and the structure I feel the LST AND OTHER TRAINING IS PASSED ON IN GENETICS

Harvested at day 77 of flower or 10weeks
I wanted to harvest and cure by 4/20.
A very wise man with an epic mustache told me he's run flower as long as 14weeks
WOW OMFG talk about self control!
Mrs. Tesla has advised the new name of any genotype being named "Hairy Old Troll" or HOT. Followed by a phenotype identifier. Such as short/fat or tall/skinny. Possibly some recessive traits of hokey will emerge in the future I've probably got about 20ish? Seeds from "it". It wasn't packed full like brick weed but they were spotty and not in every bud. If they don't fall out if I press on it I will feel it and remove before grinding. Once this batch of medicine is gone I'll have a more accurate count.
* stumbled across some very interesting data that combines VPD with nute use and temp*

Low temp = lower vpd = more nute consumption makings dwc water more pure and lower ppm and ph imbalance that only supports my fact that plants roots don't need 02 they need c02 if anything because they are 02 producers. Air pumps are simply a very efficient way to move the water around and keep your water in check not your plant.

High temp = high vpd = less nute consumption or time to flush and flower under high vpd conditions

I'll leave it to you guys to connect the rest of the dots for your particular grows. Hope it helps thanks for checking out my journal.
After re reading how I put that it's is in essence the law of water potential and solutes like I've been saying since I showed up!

Low potential to high potential

Adding solutes to the mixture raises the over all potential and it will want to go from area of high concentration to low concentration as in soil-root-leaf but remember solutes overload can damage the delicate systems that move nutrient rich water against gravity.

:: think VPD:::

High heat

Vapor.... it's gotta be hot to vaporize water. You will see the effect of heat opposite that of above low concentrations vaporize first(leaf tip) then to higher and high because your heating the soil moving water and at the same time the plant is losing water.

A truly good practice for after flushing and pre harvest aye...

Primo humidifier at half tank


Height remains 85 mm
(Peep my home made pink card gnat trap, notice no gnats, HORRAY!)

Soil still moist did not feed performed some LST by bending over looks like the response to the light will be good :)


Opened her up a bit to get a tan and let those eight shoots grow.

Is that about the average about of tops or colas or terminal sites?
A peek at GYO SB - Cheeseus by Big Buddha

At 22 mm tall these roots were coming out of the bottom of the 1.4 pt or solo cup so I upsized adding bone meal to ocean forest to perlite in a 1 qt to keep close eye I will probably regret this as it will be poking out by next week is my guess

Gees tho guys these water lillies are killing me on the oxygen bill look at those African java...
No wonder I've been getting so high it's all the o2 I'm pumping in and all I needed was a little carbon you know the slut of the periodic table because she bonds with everything .
Opened her up a bit to get a tan and let those eight shoots grow.

Is that about the average about of tops or colas or terminal sites?

By this I mean for skunk or indica having not been topped and in the run of 80 days.. because the shoots began to form yesterday is all I was trying to convey
OK if you've made it this far I'm trusting you get my sense of humor because I have a one and I'm tires of being so dry and by the book here BTW I wasn't a lurker I signed up and was posting my own in days.


My indoor genetic lineup or first harvest ever yielded 1 oz of dry buds not including stems. I actually just finished the RX and it need to be refilled...

For ease of use it's back to "A1" come on it took up too much space on the tag at least I'm trying to keep it organized here I mean come on guys.

Now take a deep breath and collect you're thoughts....

A1 / B (the B identifier means this genetic lineup {VEG AND FLOWER TBA} as a seedling was squatty much like my Cheeseus from GYO what is lacking above ground she's making up for below


This seed was germinated in 12 hours outside by being placed 1/4in inside a living outdoor aloe plant .

Your welcome to message me or post on my page but this started as GYO AUTO but is becoming my all around in/out / genetic, experiment fuck I just need dwc and I'm covered fml
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