Amnesia Haze - Purple Skunk & BlackJack Clones From Denver


Active Member
First, a basic overview:

340watt LED in
2x2x4 Grow Tent
One Plant Each
Soil mix from Way2Grow (Organic with Coco-fiber, perlite, etc.)
1gal to 5gal
Light is about 7" - 10"
Temps stay between 7F3 - 82F
Topped and trimmed fan blades on BJ and Lambo, but Lambo died.
New clones didn't trim as much

Original Start Date: end of May / beginning of June
New Clones Start Date: about two weeks after that

Day 1 (from Clone) Black Jack (on right):


Before had a tent, using 200watts of CFL:



Lambo died:


Replaced with two new clones:



re: Amnesia Haze - Purple Skunk & BlackJack Clones From Denver

Hello Scafidi, I will tag along and follow your progress. Welcome to :420:
Latest (almost two weeks later or so (specific dates not yet entered)):

Purple Skunk:

Amnesia Haze (left):

Black Jack (not on same start timeline, but merging with other two):

AH (left), BJ (right), PS (center):


Inter-nodes (BJ):

Inter-nodes (AH first week):
re: Amnesia Haze - Purple Skunk & BlackJack Clones From Denver

Just started to use some fishing weights instead of ties to do training. Anyone tried that before? Too early to do this? I'm thinking to make stronger roots.
re: Amnesia Haze - Purple Skunk & BlackJack Clones From Denver

The Black Jack is pretty much all buds due to trimming in the beginning, but has slow growth and worried that I'll need to run almost another month of veg for that one. May need to pull her out and take some clones to start for another cycle.... Any suggestions on how to break any nute lock that might be happening, or to inhibit quick root/stem development? The stem is dark purple, and I've heard that could be due to K-def, but if it's not able to absorb it, then I'm not sure. I don't want to pull the plant out to take the rocks out of the bottom (I put these in for BJ and AH, but not PS).

Right now, if I switched, they wouldn't get very big. Also thinking I need to add another LED, or accent CFLs.

Also, there's some yellowing in-between the veins on the purple skunk, near the bottom fan leaves (only like two of them). Not sure if it's an n-def yet, but I did just xplant from 1 to 5 gal two days ago.
re: Amnesia Haze - Purple Skunk & BlackJack Clones From Denver

Also, the Black Jack's leaves look a bit small (black domina x jack herer), not sure which pheno.
re: Amnesia Haze - Purple Skunk & BlackJack Clones From Denver

Also, the Black Jack's leaves look a bit small (black domina x jack herer), not sure which pheno.
Purple Skunk (took the two leaves off that were like this):

June 22, 2015:

Using a new blend of nutes for watering, including:

B1 - Mad Farmer
Karbo Boost
Nutes by Mad Farmer
Dyna Grow (Maintenance)
Dense - (usually for flowering, but using for the pure K to see if it will help the purple stems)

Adjust pH to 7 - 6.5ish, but I'm using pool pH+/-, and it's very aggressive. Plus, I only have a manual meter. Need to get a digital.
re: Amnesia Haze - Purple Skunk & BlackJack Clones From Denver

Also, probably not going to keep the scrogging due to needing to move the plants for watering. However, I will be training and topping. The weights added last night had a great effect on the stems (desired). BJ lifted the weight on one "cola", the AH started producing new nodes all over and stronger stem.

Grape Skunk*

Good to hear about the weights working for the training. Scrog nets limit movement of the plants indeed, sorry for not catching up earlier! Good job!
Girls are looking great. AH is getting really strong, and the others are catching up. Just trying to get everything dialed in before Flowering.
Last night I decided to try to "super-crop" on of the branches that was getting a little too high on A.H. - It was new growth, and pretty much just made a "snap"ping sound. The stem is halfway cut open and bending over on the other piece. Hopefully, it will make a knot.

Also, I trimmed about three big fan leaves from the bottom part of A.H., about two small ones from P.S. and B.J., and I reversed their light penetration so they will start to grow in the opposite direction.

Furthermore, I found it very hard to find information about the inverse square law with regards to L.E.D.s. So, I took my photometer, adjusted the light to the lowest possible distance (without adding an extension cord), which was around 18" from the very bottom of the tent, at its original hanging location before adjusting (where the plants' canopies are about 6 - 8 inches away), and at its highest distance (~30.5").

The photometer that I have is not digital, so its not easy to get accurate numbers and/or equations. However, I can find ratios in this relationship, and should figure out some margin of error. I didn't do too well in stats, but I think I can figure it out. For the photo meter, it gives outputs from 0 - 20000. Green is from about 350 - 800, blue is about 800-2000 (the green/blue is right below the numbers for the light reading [intended for moisture], but helps to read it easier using it's metered numbers (from 1 - 10).

So, for this example, a "4" is about 500 on the photo meter and an "8" is 1000. I'm assuming that's not in watts, joules, Kelvin, or Lumens, but the colors below for the moisture are what I've been gauging my light range as. I try to keep the light at about 5+, but the lowest reading I'm getting is 3.5 (~450 on the photometer), which is at the furthest corner when the light is at 30.5 inches.

Given these relationships, we can figure out a proportional relationship between the light distance and coverage. Furthermore, the L.E.D. PAR coverage is full-PAR for this L.E.D. So, I'm assuming that it's getting a higher penetration or actual PAR light ratio higher than other bulbs.

Does anyone know the full m^2/PAR inverse square law for LEDs? I guess that's how I would ask that... I found an article or two here-and-there, but the research provided information based on diode diameter, etc. Using the actual photometer in the actual growing environment (the grow tent/reflective tent), makes more sense to me. I just hope my readings are correct.

(Pictures to accompany this post later)
Latest Update:

- Continued under same fert/watering/light cycles
- Built and installed a 7" table riser
- Installed a Botanicare Flood Tray and 3/4" flush line with filter
- AH is recovering from the two "breaks"
- Roots are continuing down the bottom of the pots

Starting to see some small flies here and there. Going to get some better ventilation soon (have the carbon filter and in-line fan coming this week), and then probably some fly paper.

Otherwise, they seem to be doing alright.

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