Any Advice for My First Child?


New Member
Started my first grow about two weeks ago. the strain is unknown to me but the bud the seed came from was pretty good stuff. Not lookin to sell so the strain is not that important ( i think ). still having trouble determining the gender. like i said its my first time, any suggestions on how to make it the best smoke, taste, and looks dont hurt either. Any advice?
check out the OC+ thread for simplicity. Osmocote Plus Plant Food - Discuss Its Use With Cannabis Here! great thread with lots of info and pics.

My Critical+ beat out my organics and others for plant of the month in May.

If you want to go organic, try some boxed stuff rather than buying a box of this and that and mixing your own. A little easier for a beginner.

What kind of light? soil?
take your time. dont over feed. make sure your growing medium can dry out in 48 hours if possible (2 day watering schedule can help eliminate drowning as an issue, lol). keep them happy, look after them and they will look after you, they dont like change, dont slip on your light schedules and avoid light leaks. a streetlight can hermie a plant at 50 paces, lol.

and finally read that link 'The General' gave you till your eyes bleed. take a break then read it again ;)
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